
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:姜玲 高等教育出版社 (2009-01出版)  作者:姜玲 编  页数:183  


如何让《厨师职业英语》更加实用是编写本书时考虑最多的问题。曾问过几位国际酒店的外籍行政总厨:  “如果要你的员工学习英语,你最希望他们学什么呢?”“认识厨房里的东西(To know the things in the kitchen)!”他们不加思索地回答。认识厨房里的东西——这就是本书的出发点。有些酒店为了培养餐饮管理人员,安排他们在厨房实习3-6个月,学习厨房工作流程与行政管理,这些人员被称为管理实习生。本书的主人公Geotrge就是这样一位管理实习生。他师从来自新加坡的行政副总厨Steven先生,在短短的三个月时间里,熟悉了厨房主要工作岗位的主要工作内容,也就是本书的主要内容,包括:厨房的组织与人员结构食品与厨房安全以及个人卫生厨房设备水果与蔬菜肉类与家禽鱼类与贝类奶制品与蛋类汤类与调料类烹饪方式面点书中,George还就中餐及其特色与Steven进行讨论,在了解西餐的同时,加入了部分中餐的经典内容。最后的菜单部分对于餐饮管理人员来说也是必不可少的。


  《厨师职业英语》是职业教育烹饪专业教材。内容包括厨房的组织与人员结构、食品与厨房安全、厨房设备、水果与蔬菜、肉类与家禽、鱼类与贝类、奶制品与蛋类、汤类与调料类、烹饪方式、面点等。《厨师职业英语》大量采用图片帮助认识厨房各种物品;并通过简单实用的对话,对这些物品加以进一步的说明。  《厨师职业英语》可作为职业院校烹饪专业及相关专业的学生用书,也可作为相关行业岗位培训辅助用书或自学用书。  《厨师职业英语》采用出版物短信防伪系统,用封底下方的防伪码,按照《厨师职业英语》最后一页“郑重声明”下方的使用说明进行操作,可查询图书真伪并赢取大奖。


Unit One  Professional ChefA. I Am a Professional Chef"B. They Are My ColleaguesExercisesUnit Two Food and Kitchen SafetyA. Personal HygieneB. Food SafetyC. Kitchen SafetyExercisesUnit Three  Kitchen Equip-mentA. KnivesB. Hand ToolsC. Measuring EquipmentD. Sieves and StrainersE. Pots and PansF. Large EquipmentG. Other EquipmentExercisesUnit Four Fruits and Vegeta-blesA. FruitsB. Fruits (continued)C. VegetablesD. Vegetables (continued)E. Vegetables(continued)ExercisesUnit Five Meatand PoultryA. BeefB. VealC. PorkD. Prepared Pork ItemsE. Lamb and MuttonF. PoultryExercisesUnit Six Fish and ShellfishA. Round FishB. Flat FishC. No Bony FishD. Other FishE. ShellfishExercisesUnit Seven Dairy and EggsA. Dairy ProductsB. EggsExercisesUnit Eight Soups and SaucesA. StocksB. SoupsC. SaucesExercisesUnit Nine Cooking MethodsA. Grilling and Broiling, Roasting and BakingB. Sauteing, Pan Frying, and Deep FryingC. Steaming and submersion cookingD. Braising and stewingE. Cooking VegetablesExercisesUnit Ten Baking and PastryA. BreadB. CakesC. PiesD. CustardsE. SnacksF. CreamsG. MoussesExercisesUnit Eleven Chinese FoodA. Chinese Cuisines and Their SpecialtiesB. Chinese CookingC. Chinese MenuExercisesUnit Twelve MenuA. Menu ClassificationB. Menu ItemsC. Menu DesignD. Menu SampleExercisesChinese VersionKey to ExercisesGlossaryReferences


插图:Steven:George,tell me something about Chinese food.George:Okay,Chinese food emphasizes on its Color,flavor?,and taste at same time.Steven:Yes.And Chinese food does use a rich variety of raw materials.George:You’re quite right.Chinese chen are very particular about the selection and prepara.tion of the ingredients used.Besides that,they also pay attention to the combinationof main ingredients and auxiliary materials.Steven:Chinese chefs must care about the cutting of ingredients,George:That’s true.In fact,cutting has been a distinctive feature of Chinese cooking.Somematerials like turnips,radishes and tomatoes are often carved into the shapes of flow-ers and animals for certain finished dishes.Steven:And what arc the decisive factors in Chinese cooking?George:Cooking time and temperature,I think.Steven:The same as Westem food.George:Right.Seasoning is important in Chinese food,too.Steven:I see.Seasoning can help to shape the different styles of Chinese cooking,and timeand temperature can help to make the ingredients hard or soft,crisp or tender.George:Yes.In Chinese cuisine,several different techniques are usually used in a dish.Steven:That’s interesting.





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