
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:向前进,王雨梅 著  页数:210  


  《全明星英语》立体化系列教材是在麦格劳一希尔公司出版的All-Star系列教材的基础上,结合中国成人高等教育英语教学的实际改编而成的。改编后的,《全明星英语》系列教材无论是教学内容还是教学方法都更加符合我国英语教学的实际需要,不仅为成年人学习英语提供了难得的好教材,同时也适用于高职高专英语教学。  原书是为了专门帮助美国文化水平较低的成年人(尤其是外国移民)提高他们的英语基本语言技能而编写的教材,编者多是有多年教学经验的教师。全书所涉及的技能有:1)语言文字技能:听、说、读、写语言技能;基本语法和发音技能以及运用和演算数字的技能;2)处理日常生活的语言技能:涉及消费、环境保护、家庭和子女养育、政府和社区、合作、利用资源和服务、健康和营养、人际交往、学习策略、安全保卫、电话通讯、时间和货币、交通和旅行等诸多方面;3)劳动就业语言技能:涉及应用技术、保持就业、求职等诸多方面。  在改编过程中,我们坚持突出All-Star的“大图”(Big Picture)特色,同时保持了其听说活动和会话策略的优点。在此基础上我们做了一些调整,从而更好地满足中国学生学习英语的需求。具体改编内容如下:1)为了便于初学者学习,在第一册中增加了指示语、会话和课文的中文译文;2)为了配合各单元的主题内容的训练,增加了英汉互译练习(Supplemental Translation Exercises);3)为了更有效地训练语法内容,在原教材语法训练内容前面增加了简要的中文说明,便于学习者掌握语法规则;4)在单元测验(Test)中增加了英汉互译习题;5)每单元后面增设了词汇表(Words&Expressions),方便学生进行词汇学习;6)对All-Star—TeachersEdition进行了微调:①在文前增加了“教法及教材使用说明”;②将文后的Big。Picture Expansion和WorkbookAnswer Key移到了《学习辅导与自测》的文后;③保留了。




Unit 1 Getting StartedLesson 1" Where are you from?Lesson 2: Wheres your notebook?Lesson 3: Read page 6Lesson 4: Application FormsFamily Application Lesson: She needs 10 pencilsCommunity Application Lesson: Whats your address?Review Lesson: Practice TestSpotlight: Grammar-Simple Present of Be; PossessiveAdjectives; Possessives of NamesUnit 2 PlacesLesson 1" Wheres the post office?Lesson 2: Its next to the drugstoreLesson 3: .Is there an ATM around here?Lesson 4: MapsFamily Application Lesson: Wheresthe nurses office?Work Application Lesson: How many miles doyou go?Review Lesson: Practice TestUnit 3 Time and MoneyLesson 1: What time is it?Lesson 2: Is the library open on Monday?Lesson 3: Its five centsLesson 4: ChecksWork Application Lesson: Do you get vacation leave?Family Application Lesson: Wheres the hotel?Review Lesson: Practice TestSpotlight: Grammar——Yes/No Questions and Answers with BeInformation Questions with BeUnit 4 CalendarsLesson 1:When is your birthday?Lesson 2: The party is on SundayLesson 3: Whats the date?Lesson 4: HolidaysCommunity Application Lesson: What events areon Saturday?Work Application Lesson: Heres my scheduleReview Lesson: Practice TestUnit 5 ClothingLesson 1: Shirts, Skirts, and SweatersLesson 2: Im looking for childrens clothesLesson 3: What size is it?Lesson 4: A FolktaleCommunity Application Lesson: Icl like a refund.Family Application Lesson: His pants are too largeReview Lesson: Practice TestSpotlight: Grammar——Present Continuous; InformationQuestions with the Present ContinuousUnit 6 FoodLesson 1: Noodles are delicious.Lesson 2: Do you sell rice?Lesson 3: How much is it?Lesson 4: Store FlyersCommunity Application Lesson: Jim always compares prices.Work Application Lesson: What can I get for you?Review Lesson: Practice TestUnit 7 FamiliesLessOn 1" Whats your brothers name?Lesson 2: I usually cook dinnerLesson 3: What do you do for fun?Lesson 4: Family PortraitsCommunity Application Lesson: Id like an applicati0n for membershipWork Application Lesson: I need to take family leaveReview Lesson: Practice TestSpotlight: Grammar Simple Present Statements; InformationQuestions with the Simple PresentUnit 8 HealthLesson 1" Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and ToesLesson 2: I have a bad headacheLesson 3: Put ice on itLesson 4: Safety WarningsWork Application Lesson: My hand hurtsFamily Application Lesson: Lin is at the doctors officeReview Lesson: Practice TestUnit 9 House and HomeLesson 1: Their new house has 3 bedroomsLesson 2: The Lees old house had a garageLesson 3: He fell down the stairs.Lesson 4: Housing AdsWork Application Lesson: Wear protective equipmentCommunity Application Lesson: Know your rights!Review Lesson: Practice TestSpotlight: Grammar-Simple Past Statements; InformationQuestions with the Simple PastUnit 10 WorkLesson 1: Can you use a computer?Lesson 2: Do you have experience?Lesson 3: Tell me about yourselfLesson 4: The Amazing Story of Mr. NicholsFamily Application Lesson: What are your goals?Community Application Lesson: What is the minimum wage?Review Lesson: Practice TestBig Picture ExpansionKey to Exercises (Workbook)Key to Supplemental Translation Exercises



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