出版时间:2008-11 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:何勇斌 编 页数:161
Unit 1 Animals and PlantsUnit 2 Environmental ProtectionUnit 3 National IdentityUnit 4 SocializationUnit 5 Marriage and FamilyUnit 6 FashionsUnit 7 MoviesUnit 8 Mass MediaUnit 9 LanguageUnit 10 Competition and CooperationUnit 11 CreativityUnit 12 The Meaning of LifeKey
Marriage Gustoms From earliest times, marriage has been an important part of mans legal and religious systems. In addition to the laws governed marriage that each nationestablishes, marriage customs have grown up and now vary widely from country to country. Anthropologists have studied and written about the numerous marriage ceremony and customs that exist throughout the world and they make interesting reading, especially when they differ greatly with our own. For people in the U.S, once they meet certain legal age and medical requirements, are free to choose their mates. Once acouple have decided to get married, the man customary gives the girl a diamond ring. The use of a ring comes from the new custom of using a ring to seal an important agreement. If the wedding day is decided upon, the girl sends wedding announcements orinvitations. Friends then send wedding gifts to the girls home. On the wedding day it is supposed to be good luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding. Another old superstition many people believe will bring good luck to them arriage is for the bride to wear “something old, something new, some thing borrowed and something blue.”