
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:牛小玲 编  页数:309  


  《新魅力英语阅读教程》由一些居住在中国的外籍专家和在教学与创作方面都具有丰富经验的中国英语教师联袂打造,“励志”是这套教材的核心内容,在教材编写上可谓独树一帜。  《新魅力英语阅读教程》按照教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)编写而成,是一套专供全国高职高专院校使用的英语教材。课文内容丰富有趣,选材难度适中,配套练习精心设计,紧扣原文,词汇语法巧含其中。  所选文章主要来自美国和英国出版的励志类图书。由于这些文章最初以英文读者为对象,因而是“原汁原味”的英语——不是为外国学生专门撰写的课文。这套教材的最大优点是学生接触到的英语清新自然,没有任何加工的痕迹。  这套《新魅力英语阅读教程》共分两册,本书为其中的第2册。  本书特色:  1.内容编排不仅妙趣横生,而且富有吸引力,学生可以获得足够的机会培养综合技能和交际能力。  2.所选课文均使用原汁原味的英语,能够增加学生的知识,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生对东西方文化差异方面的意识。  3.课文后面的内容更是丰富多彩:既包含富有创意、实用性强的练习,又有生动有趣的讨论话题。这些内容既能提高学生的英语阅读理解能力,又能增强学生对于语法句型的认识,同时还能扩大学生的词汇量。  4.编写风格既严谨务实,又生动活泼;在教授语言的同时还适当介绍社会文化。  编写体例:  本书共分12个单元,每个单元包括3课,全书共36课。每课编写体例虽有细微差别,但又基本一致:  1.课文导读:这部分包括与课文有关的背景介绍和几个课前讨论的问题,目的是让学生就课文和主题展开思考。  2.课文:  (1)阅读课文:整套教材以“励志”为核心,不但能引起学生的兴趣,还能培养学生积极思考、展开讨论的能力。同时这些励志类文章还能激发学生学习英语、在日常生活中运用英语的灵感。课文顺序按词汇量和文章长度编排,非常科学合理。  (2)主旨阅读:每单元的最后一课要求学生记录自己读课文的起始时间,目的是提高学生的阅读速度,使他们具备在规定时间内处理长篇课文的能力。学生还要回答一些有关课文的简单提问并且记录下他们的理解得分。这种练习的好处是让学生清楚地认识自己的学习情况,并有针对性地进行训练,以做到有的放矢。




Unit 1Lesson 1 Tony RobbinsLesson 2 Great Men Are Forgivin9Lesson 3 Problems Give Meaning to LifeUnit 2Lesson 4 Attitude lS Everythin9Lesson 5 Eye ContactLesson 6 Be a Hero TodayUnit 3Lesson 7 How Much Is Enough?Lesson 8 Little Sparks of GratitudeLesson 9 God WilI SeeUnit 4Lesson 10 Leadership Is About Having EnergyLesson 11 Universities and Their FunctionsLesson 12 111e Limits of IQUnit 5Lesson 13 How Women Changed HistoryLesson 14 You Can’t Change What You Don’t AcknowledgeLesson 15 A Visit to the CemeteryUnit 6Lesson 16 MustardLesson 17 Better Your BATNA:Lesson 18 YOU Are Your WOrd;Unit 7Lesson 19 111e Migration to NowhereLesson 20 If YOU Don’t AskYOU Don’t GetLesson 21 What IS the 80,20 Principle?Unit 8Lesson 22 PassionSynchronized Swimmin9Lesson 23“All the Right Words”Doesn’t Mean“All the RightLesson 24 After Babela New Common TongueUnit 9Lesson 25 Pay Now, Play LaterLesson 26 Jills Ideal FriendLesson 27 Ever Farther, Ever Faster, Ever Higher?Unit 10Lesson 28 The Sandwich MethodLesson 29 Employ the Flipside Technique 1Lesson 30 Nature vs. NurtureUnit 11Lesson 31 Listening Makes You CleverLesson 32 Its Worth ItLesson 33 Who Am I?Unit 12Lesson 34 Grandma FinleyLesson 35 Its Never Too Late for .SuccessLesson 36 The Art of LovingKeys


  Exercise 9  Summarize the text in no less than 4 and no more than 6 sentences.  Exercise 10  In order to explain an idea effectively,it is often necessary, to introduce a consequence or possible result. Expressions that are commonly used to do this include "therefore," "as a result,"and "otherwise. " These will also improve the communicative quality of your essay. Take a look at the following sentences:  1. Today is a holiday. Therefore,we will not have class until tomorrow.  2. When I heard the word hero I thought of somebody who is extraordinarily strong or intelligent. As a result, I didnt believe that I too could do something heroic.  3. We must not allow our expectations to become too great. Otherwise, we could get disappointed.  Notice that the expressions "therefore" and "as a result," which are usually followed by a comma, express a result or consequence that has already happened or is happening right now. "Otherwise," on the other hand, expresses something that might happen in the future.Exercise : Insert the sentence connectors "therefore ," "as a result," and "otherwise" into the following paragraph.  Over the course of the past ten years the consumption of junk food such as hamburgers and pizza has increased steadily. People have put on more and more weight. In fact, this is particularly true for teenagers and children who crave candy and sweets. Nutritionists, the scientists who study the different effects of food on the human body, are urging everybody to eat more healthy foodss. The average person will be dangerously overweight——unless a miracle happens,of course.



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