
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:新仁,王波 著  页数:169  


  本书是与《表达英语综合教程》(以下简称《教程》)1-4册相配套的教师用书,主要供教师备课和授课时参考使用。全书共分为两册,第1册与《教程》第1-2册配合使用,第2册与《教程》第3-4册配合使用,分别提供每单元’Fext A中的以读促思(Read to Think)、以读促说(Read toSpeak)、以读促写(Read to Write)、以读促译(Read to Translate)、语言研习(Language Studies)五个部分的答案和’Text B中的细读(Reading for Details)、略读(Reading for Main Ideas)两个部分的答案,以及两套模拟测试题的参考答案。  《表达英语综合教程》共4册,供高等院校英语专业本科l一2年级基础阶段使用。具体使用建议如下,每学期使用1册,每册共分12个单元,每单元教学时间为6课时,也可根据各院校教学计划而定。每个单元围绕一个主题,包含两篇课文(主、副课文各一篇)。每6个单元结束后设计1套复习测试题,检查和巩固学生的英语水平。每单元具体由以下9个部分组成:  每单元精选一句语言精练、思想内容深刻并且与该单元内容有一定联系的经典名句,如谚语、歇后语、名言等,要求学生课前熟记或背诵,培养学生的世界观和道德情操,使学生尽快进入该单元的学习状态。  课前准备(Pre-reading Activities)  围绕本单元的主题和课文内容开展相关的课堂导入活动,要求学生查找资料,就课文将要涉及的内容了解相关背景信息,开展交流和讨论。  主课文(TextA)  主课文Text A用于课堂精讲,一般2课时完成;副课文Text,B可以在课堂讲解,也可以作为课后补充阅读材料。  以读促思(Read to Think)  本部分包含针对主课文内容和结构的两类问题。教师在课堂上可以就课文的内容、结构、语言等组织学生进行讨论,并回答问题,帮助学生加深理解课文。  以读促说(Read to Speak)  这部分提供与本单元主题相关的口语练习话题。口语练习形式主要包括复述、自由发言、即席讨论、辩论等,教师可以要求学生事先准备,也可以让学生以对子、小组、大组发言等形式练习。  以读促写(Read to Write)  这部分包括续写、改写、指导性写作、自由写作等形式,主要训练学生运用在本单元所学过的单词、词组、句型等表达类似课文中的思想内容。教师可要求学生当堂写作,也可以作为课后作业布置给学生。


  《表达英语综合教程》是《表达英语综合教程》与1—2册相配套的教师用书,主要供教师备课和授课时参考使用。全书提供每单元Text A中的以读促思(Read to Think)、以读促说(Read to Speak)、以读促写(Read to Write)、以读促译(Read to Translate)、语言研习(Language Studies)五个部分的答案和Text B中的细读(Reading for Details)、略读(Reading for Main Ideas)两个部分的答案,以及两套模拟测试题的参考答案。 《表达英语综合教程》供高等院校英语专业本科1年级基础阶段使用。


第一册Unit 1 Get to Know English-speaking CountriesText A USAText B EnglandUnit 2 Teachers Propose, Students Dispose?Text A A Classroom Full of FlowersText B Schoolwork: The Students JobUnit 3 Keep a Healthy BodyText A How to Lose Weight —— And Whether You ShouldText B Dine Out Without Clogging Your ArteriesUnit 4 Keep a Healthy MindText A GriefText B The Power of ForgivingUnit 5 The Internet and Our LifeText A One Internet, Two NationsText B Digital Domain: Struggling to Evade the E-mail TsunamiUnit 6 Get Yourself ConnectedText A A False Wikipedia "Biography"Text B Guidelines for Using a Cellphone AbroadReview Test IUnit 7 Like Father, Like SonText A Father ForgetsText B Father: Sons Role ModelUnit 8 Friendship Counts ImmenselyText A An Incredible Torch RunText B Personal HealthUnit 9 Do Men Lead and Women Follow?Text A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man CanText B The Two of UsUnit 10 Do Patients Trust Doctors?Text A From a Web-Savvy Patient to a "Cyberchondriac"Text B Patient Tells, Doctor Reads, Writer SharesUnit 11 Man and NatureText A MiragesText B Rainbow第二册Unit 1 Wakening the SoulText A Broken WingText B The Santa Claus on 1-40Unit 2 Childhood MemoryText A Latchkey Children —— Knock, Knock, Is Anybody Home?Text B The Room with Five DoorsUnit 3 Body Clock and LuckText A The Secrets Our Body Clocks RevealText B How to Get LuckyUnit 4 Are They Still Kids?Text A They Stole Our ChildhoodText B Stolen ChildhoodUnit 5 Imaginative Learning and Creative ThinkingText A Universities and Their FunctionsText B Learning by DoingUnit 6 Skills of Interpersonal CommunicationText A Six Steps to Put People at Their EaseText B Alone Versus LonelyReview Test IUnit 7 What Do You Know about Americans?Text A The American CharacterText B Fast-free LivingUnit 8 Doing Your Share to Save the EarthText A You Can Make a Difference —— an Earth Day StoryText B Global Warmings PR ProblemUnit 9 Growing PainsText A Chameleons and CodasText B Ugly GirlUnit 10 The Mixed Nature of LifeText A Force of NatureText B In Their Loss, They Found Each OtherUnit 11 Virtual RealityText A Internet IssuesText B A Design for Living on the IntemetUnit 12 These Are the Times That Try Men s SoulsText A The Christmas CrossingText B Voice of CourageReview Test II


  9)That implies the students began to treat their studies seriously and also gathered their confidence to learn better.  10)Eye contact with every student indicates her strong desire to interact with the students.It also indicates that the teacher is no long lacking in confidence.  11)The teacher managed to teach the students by telling her own experience.When she was a child, she was regarded as a“retard”:she could not write her own names;she could not spell words and numbers.But after hard working,she became a teacher.  12)After hearing the teachers words,the students began studying hard.They wanted to make improvements.  13)Only when the students realized the importance of grammar could they learn it effectively.  14)Because she once wanted to quit teaching,something that later proved to be rewarding.  15)The author regards teaching as a rewarding job in that she has changed the studentsviews on themselves and is appreciated by them.  16)Open.  2.Read to understand the organization of the text.  1)On her first day of teaching,the author taught several classes and every class was going well.  Thus,the author concluded teaching was not difficult.But the author mentioned the last period, period 7.The special mention of this class makes readers expect something unsuccessful to happen.  2)The passage can be roughly divided into three sections.The first section,from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 10,reports the authors unsuccessful teaching of the class.The second section, from Paragraph 11 to Paragraph 21,mainly talks about how the author successfully made the students study hard.The last section,from Paragraph 22 to Paragraph 29,tells us how deeply the students appreciated the author.  3)Another teacher was introduced into the story so as to make a sharp contrast with the author: to show what an ordinary teacher would do while what a responsible teacher would do.The introduction of another teacher helps the development of the whole essay:that the teachers tough measures show the authors inability to control the class;that the teachers words help the author learn more about her students.  4)Dialogues can provide an accurate and vivid account of what has happened.Dialogues can promote the development of the plot.  5)The part provides some background information about the students:Why are they special?  6)Short paragraphs are more forceful.  71 The story develops in a chronological/temporal order.The essay consists of such signals as“on my first day”,“the next afternoon”,“months flew by”,“the month of June approach”,“on my final day of classes”,“two years later”,etc.



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