出版时间:2008-6 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:赵淑燕 编 页数:256
《新编实用英语扩展教程2(辽宁版)》系列教材是教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》组织编写的。《新编实用英语扩展教程2(辽宁版)》(辽宁版)系列教材是在《新编实用英语扩展教程2(辽宁版)》(第二版)的基础上结合辽宁省对外交流的实际改编的。本套教材贯彻了“学一点、会一点、用一点”、“听、说、读、写、译并重”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则,注重听说技能训练和对实用文体阅读能力的培养,将培养应用语言基本功的能力与实际涉外交际相结合。 本套教材还注重“教、学、考”相互照应。学完第2册可参加“高等学校英语应用能力考试”的B级考试,学完第4册可参加A级考试。
1 InvitationsSectionI Talking Face to FaceSectionII Being All EarsSectionIII Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Dont Arrive Too Late or Too EarlyPassage II How to Decline PolitelySectionIV Trying Your HandSectionV Testing YourselfSectionVI Having Some Fun2 E-mailsSectionI Talking Face to FaceSection II Being All EarsSection III Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Web UsersPrivacy ThreatenedPassage II The Great Engine of E-CommerceSection IV Trying Your HandSection V Testing YourselfSection VI Having Some Fun3 Communication by PhoneSection I Talking Face to FaceSection II Being All EarsSection III Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I A Cat with a Phone NumberPassage II Got a Cell Phone ? Please Dont Call Me!Section IV Trying Your HandSection V Testing YourselfSection VI Having Some Fun4 Making ReservationsSectionI Talking Face to FaceSectionII Being All EarsSectionIII Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Lost and Found Items Perplex the Hotel TradePassage II General Information of Reservations at Motel 6SectionIV Trying Your HandSectionV Testing YourselfSectionVI Having Some Fun5 At a RestaurantSectionI Talking Face to FaceSectionII Being All EarsSectionIII Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Eating OutPassage II Toasts at PartiesSectionIV Trying Your HandSectionV Testing YourselfSectionVI Having Some Fun6 Shopping and SightseeingSectionI Talking Face to FaceSectionII Being All EarsSectionIII Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Home Shopping TV Networks: the Wave of the Future ?Passage II Summer in LondonSectionIV Trying Your HandSectionV Testing YourselfSectionVI Having Some Fun7 FarewellSection I Talking Face to FaceSectionII Being All EarsSectionVI Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Farewell to Our Chinese FriendsPassage II My First Time in ChinaSectionIV Trying Your HandSectionV Testing YourselfSectionVI Having Some Fun8 Applying for a JobSectionI Talking Face to FaceSectionII Being All EarsSectionIII Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I My First JobPassage II Are You Having Fun at Work?SectionIV Trying Your HandSectionV Testing YourselfSectionVI Having Some FunSelf-AssessmentKeys & TranslationsVocabulary & Phrases