出版时间:2008-5 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:蔡永良,郑立信,朱永生 著 页数:194
为了在新世纪努力完成第十一个五年计划,实现基础教育改革和高等教育改革是重要任务之一。这项艰巨和光荣的任务包括发展具有中国特色的职业教育。作为教育工作者,我们所要考虑的问题是高职高专教育能否跟上我国教育改革的发展速度。再具体地说,作为外语教育工作者,我们更要具体考虑高职高专英语课程的改革和建设。显然,这样的改革和建设最后必然要落实在英语教材的编写上。 由高等教育出版社策划,由复旦大学、上海海事大学、苏州大学、常熟理工学院等院校的英语教师通力合作编写的《高职高专综合英语教程》便是在这样的历史背景下展现在我们眼前的。《高职高专综合英语教程》的总体设计和定稿者是英语界享有盛誉的复旦大学朱永生教授和上海海事大学郑立信教授。上海外文学会会长卢思源教授审订了全稿,使《高职高专综合英语教程》获得更令人放心的质量保证。我谨在此向诸位学者和全体编写者表示衷心的祝贺。 《高职高专综合英语教程》有众多特色。我这里只能概而述之。 首先,高职高专英语教材的编写在我国曾经是一个薄弱环节。过去有的出版社或教学单位由于缺乏编写经验和力量,往往选用一些英语专业本科的教材,或者是应付四级考试的教材,仓促上阵。更有甚者,直接从国外引进。这样,一方面我国高呼要发展具有中国特色的职业教育,一方面我们拿不出本土化的高职高专英语教材。有些高职高专学校的英语老师也曾尝试自行编写,但受水平所限,有一定困难。由高等教育出版社策划,并由国内名校和高职高专老师协力合作,专门编写了这套高职高专院校英语专业适用的《高职高专综合英语教程》,此举应予肯定。用本《高职高专综合英语教程》编者的话说,本教材具有针对性。 过去要求高职高专英语教材体现各种职业特点。这一点是无可厚非的。但多几个专业术语不是英语教学所追求的惟一目标。我们要考虑所学语言的应用性,我们要考虑外语教学的科学性,我们还要考虑结合进行人文教育和素质教育的适用性。我们要培养的毕竟是人才。本《高职高专综合英语教程》完全体现了这个精神。例如,《高职高专综合英语教程》的内容引导学习者如何体验学校生活,如何对待友情和亲情,如何重视现代科学,如何对待幸福和成功,等等,这些都关乎学习者的精神世界和行为准则。 不论是学生用书,还是教师用书,编者们尽量贯彻“为使用者的需要着想”的原则,引导教师和学习者使用本教材、理解课文内容以及操练各种习题等。只有这样,才能贯彻协同式学习和自主性学习的先进教学理念。也只有这样,教师才能在教学过程中得到提高、趋于成熟,学习者才能通过自己的思考、学习、消化、吸收和掌握,在实际中应用所学的语言。所谓教学,离不开教师和学习者的互动。 同理,作为使用者的教师和学习者为一方,与本《高职高专综合英语教程》的编写者和出版者为另一方,也存在一个互动过程。相信本《高职高专综合英语教程》出版后,高职高专的教师和学生会有很大受益,也会给编者和出版社及时反馈,使《高职高专综合英语教程》进一步完善。
《高职高专综合英语教程》是在改革开放向纵深发展和国际交往日趋频繁的新形势下专门为我国高等专科学校和高等职业学校英语专业学生以及同等水平的英语自学者编写的一套教材。《高职高专综合英语教程(学生用书1)》的编写以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》为基准,并参考《全国高等学校英语专业教学大纲》对基础阶段,即1、2年级的要求。本教程共分四册。每册由8个单元组成。每个单元包含TEXT A和TEXT B两篇课文。其中TEXT A需要精讲精练,TEXT B是对TEXT A的扩展,可以作为补充阅读材料处理。
Unit One AdaptationUnit Two Seizing the PresentUnit Three DeterminationUnit Four LoveUnit Five Modern ScienceUnit Six HappinessUnit Seven SuccessUnit Eight American WayGlossary
1 It was New Years night. An aged man wasstanding at a window. He raised his mournful eyestowards the deep blue sky, where the stars werefloating like white lilies on the surface of a clear, calmlake2. Then he cast them on the earth, where thosefew more hopeless than himself now moved towardstheir goal —— the tomb3. He had already passed sixtyof the stages leading to it, and he had brought fromhis journey nothing but errors and remorse4. Now hishealth was poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful,and his old age short of comfortss. 2 The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the seriousmoment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roads6, one leading to apeaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, sweet songs; theother leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of waterand where devils and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled7. He looked towards the sky and cried painfully, "Oh youth, return! Oh my father, placeme once more at the entrance to life, and Ill choose the better way!" But both his father andthe days of his youth had passed away. He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness; these were the days of his wasted life. Hesaw a star fall from the sky and disappear, and this was the symbol of himself. His remorse,which was like a sharp arrow, struck deeply into his heart8. Then he remembered his friends inhis childhood, who entered on life together with him. But they had made their way to successand were now honored and happy on this New Years night9. The clock in the high church tower struck and the sound made him remember hisparents early love for him. They had taught him and prayed to God for his wellbeing1~. Buthe chose the wrong way. With shame and grief, he no longer dared to look towards thatheaven where his father lived. His darkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairingeffort, he cried out11: "Come back, my early days! Come back!"