出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:编写组 页数:142
《英语(一般版)》系列教材是在《英语(基本版)》系列教材的基础上根据2000年8月教育部颁布的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲(试行)》(以下简称《大纲》)中基本要求编写而成,包括《英语(一般版)》1~3册和《英语教师手册(一般版)》1~3册,学生用书配有录音带。本系列教材体现素质教育和能力本位的精神,注重交际应用,突出职教特色,主要特点归纳如下: 1温故知新。平稳过渡 本系列教材第一册从300词开始并复习初中全部语音和语法项目,并在此基础上过渡到中职英语教学内容,因此更加贴近中职英语教学的实际情况。第二、三册教材覆盖《大纲》的基本要求,学完本教材既巩固了初中的教学内容又能达到《大纲》的基本要求。 2以话题为纲和以综合英语为基础 本系列教材每个教学单元的各种教学活动都围绕一个与学生日常生活密切相关的话题进行,由“综合英语”向“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”等交际技能和词汇、语法等语言项目辐射。同时体现语言项目是交际的手段、交际能力是教学的目的的教学思想,把语言知识作为交际的手段来教,把交际能力作为教学的目标来培养,既重视语言知识的传授,更重视交际能力的培养。 “听”、“说”活动围绕单元话题并结合交际功能,体现《大纲》突出实用性的要求。“综合英语”模块以相关话题为纲编写,词汇、语法的教学围绕相关话题进行。“快速阅读”进一步培养学生的阅读能力。
UNIT 1 Large CitiesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishTheFuture ofthe CitiesFast ReadingKeeptothe LeftWritingUNIT 2 HousingWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishHousingFast ReadingIS It Farfrom the House?WritingUNIT 3 CampingWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishCampingFast ReadingA Letter from the CampWritingUNIT 4 FamiliesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishFamilies in the FutureFast ReadingWhen Mrs Li Got a ColdUNIT 5 WritingEducationWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishContinuing EducationFast ReadingI Have to LearnWritingRevision 1UNIT 6 Keeping FitWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishRunningFast ReadingHave a HeadacheWritingUNIT 7 Getting AroundWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishHow Can I Get to the Post Office?Fast ReadingIll Take a TaxiWritingUNIT 8 ClassesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishA "Babies" ClassFast ReadingGood ThinkingWritingUNIT 9 HobbiesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishTom Sawyer Paints the FenceFast ReadingA Number Thats DifferentWritingUNIT 10 SuccessWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishWhat Is Success?Fast ReadingEasy MoneyWritingRevision 2VocabularyProper Names
One morning, there was something wrong with the familys clock and when theygot up, it was too late for Mary to catch the school bus. Her mother said she woulddrive Mary to school on her way to the office. "But how will you find the way, Mum?" Mary asked, youve only been to schoolonce." "Yes," her mother answered, "but youve been there by school bus severaltimes, you know the way." "Oh, yes." said Mary. They started out and Mary asked her mother to turn one way or another on theirway to school, so she made her mother drive round most of the town before they gotthere. When they arrived, her mother saw that it was not really very far from their house. "Why ever did you make me go such a long way?" her mother asked her. "Well,Mum," answered Mary, "1 know only this way. The bus always goes like this, so theother children can take it to school."