出版时间:2008-1 出版社:苏慧明 高等教育出版社 (2008-01出版) 作者:苏慧明 著 页数:147
《计算机应用与软件技术培训用书?计算机英语》立足于现代计算机的发展,针对高、中等职业学校学生的认知特点、知识结构、能力水平和学习需求,以19个主题作为核心内容,涉及计算机专业岗位所需要的计算机软件、硬件、网络等典型的计算机专业基础知识,与实际应用密切相关。语言难易程度适中,所选择的专业词汇和语篇与本专业的发展紧密结合。练习题型形式多样,包括阅读、词汇、听说等,主观题与客观题并重。希望读者通过学习本教材能够掌握基本的计算机知识,并且提高英语应用能力,为参与就业竞争和职业发展做好充分的准备。 《计算机应用与软件技术培训用书?计算机英语》共分19课:computers and Computer Systems;The Role of Compmem;Structure of The Computer;Operating Systems;Application Software;Office Software;Adobe Photoshop;Web Page Making;SQL;Java;Multimedia;Modems;Analog Transmission and Digital Transmission;The Internet;The World Wide Web;Getting Connected to The Internet;TCP/IP:The Basics;Routers and Bridges;E-mail。每课均包括:课文,阅读练习,词汇练习,单词与词组,听写练习,知识拓展,自我评估等几部分。附录内容包括构词法聚焦、语法聚焦、IT英语词库和词汇总表。
Lesson 1 Computers and Computer SystemsLesson 2 The Role of ComputersLesson 3 Structure of The ComputerLesson 4 Operating SystemsLesson 5 Application SoftwareLesson 6 Office SoftwareLesson 7 Adobe PhotoshopLesson 8 Web Page MakingLesson 9 SQLLesson 10 JavaLesson 11 MultimediaLesson 12 ModemsLesson 13 Analog Transmission and Digital TransmissionLesson 14 The InternetLesson 15 The World Wide WebLesson 16 Getting Connected to The InternetLesson 17 TCP/IP: The BasicsLesson 18 Routers and BridgesLesson 19 E-mailAppendix A : PrefixesAppendix B : GrammarAppendix C : IT English Word BankAppendix D : Glossary
插图:Lesson 5 Application SoftwareApplication software is computer software that is used for a certain job or task other than running the operating system. It may be provided along with the hardware by a system supplier as part of a computer product designed to answer a specific need in certain areas. There are some divisions in ap-plications like system tools, programming tools, office software, database software, and others, but themain divisions are between tools that allow your computer to run like the operating system, and appli-cation software programs that let you accomplish some job or task. There is also a major division be-tween packaged application software and custom application software. Also, Internet application soft-ware is growing fast, often made available by an Application Service Provider, or ASP.ASP rents software for use on the Internet or other network for a certain period of time. The software purchase or rental agreement between the maker and user is called license which is protected byIntellectual Property (Ip) Laws. Shareware is distributed and allowed to be used openly, but asks formoney for the license after a period of time It is usually downloaded from the Internet and often usedfor trial versions. Freeware never asks for money for the rights given by the license, but allows its usefreely and openly.