
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:高等教育  作者:王斌  页数:456  


本书以国际的视野阐述和分析了公司财务管理中所涉及的重犬理论与实务问题。作为一本在西方商学教育中具有广泛影响的教材,历经多年修订后,全书内容结构、理论体系日臻完善,可以满足商学本科、MBA之所需。    全书由六部分组成。第一部分主要介绍了公司财务的一些基本知识,包括公司财务管理目标、金融市场、财务指标及业绩评价系统、财务规划与预测等基础内容,为读者的进一步学习提供一个基础平台。第二部分主要介绍了估值理论与方法。重点阐述了时间价值、风险与收益的关系、固定收益证券与股票等的估值应用等。第三部分则详细介绍了资本投资决策所涉及的理论与实务问题,并重点强调资本预算过程中的风险分析。第四部分主要涉及资本成本、资本结构与股利政策理论与实务,它是公司财务理论与实务关注的核心。第五部分主要关注营运资本管理,包括营运资本政策与短期融资以及营运资本主要项目的管理实务。第六部分主要针对现代财务管理中的公司重组问题进行了分析和讨论。


James R.McGuigan原为韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University)商学院的财务学副教授,现在他拥有并经营着自己的古钱币投资公司。他毕业于卡内基·梅隆大学(Carnegie.Mellon University),并在芝加哥大学(University ofChicago)商学研究生院和匹兹堡大学(Universit


PrefaceAcknow|egementsPart I: Introduction  1 The Role and Objective of Financial      Management  Introduction 3Acknow logements  Forms of Business Organization  Foundation Concept: Maximizing Shareholder Wealth as the Primary Goal  Maximization of Shareholder Wealth: Managerial  Strategies  Foundation Concept: Cash Flow  Foundation Concept: Net Present Value Rule  Organization of the Financial Management  Function 2 The Domestic and Internationai Financial Marketplace   Introduction   Income Taxes and Financial Management   An Overview of the U.S. Financial System   The Structure and Operation of U.S. Security   Markets   Foundation Concept: Market Efficiency   Foundation Concept: Holding Period Returns  3 Evaluation of Financial Performance   Introduction    Uses of Financial Analysis   Interpreting Financial Ratios   Basic Classifications of Financial Ratios   Summary of Financial Ratio Analysis   Trend Analysis   Analysis of Profitability: Return on Investment   Foundation Concept: Analyzing Profitability Through   Return on Stockholders' Equity   A  Word of Caution About Financial Ratio Analysis   Earnings and Balance Sheet Quality and Financial   Analysis   Market-Value Added: An Mternative Measure of   Performance  4 Financial Planning and Forecasting   Introduction   Financial Planning   Foundation Concept: Cash Flow Analysis   Financial ForecastingPart 2: Determinants of Valuation 5 The Time Value of Money  Introduction  Interest  Simple Interest  Compound Interest and Future Value  Present Value  Annuities……Present Value: Some Additional Cash Flow PatternsCompounding Periods and Effective Interest RatesSolving the Financial ChallengeIntegrative Case ProblemAppendix 5A: Continuous Compounding AndDiscountingContinuous CompoundingContinuous DiscountingEffective Rate Calculations






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  •   书还行,但纸质还行吧
  •   应该是正版,纸张不错
  •   书好厚的,全英文,完全是神器啊= = 看不懂的说。
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