
出版时间:2008-2  出版社:高等教育  作者:张德禄  页数:260  


  在中国外语教学中,从初中到高中到大学,由于缺乏自然语境,没有评判所用语言是否可行的标准,各种各样的规则就成为评价的标准,如语法规则、发音规则、组词规则。这些规则只是表现了语言运用的一般规律,但没有把语境和交际目的等考虑在内,由此就出现了把各种规则泛化的现象:在任何语境中,只要所用的语言违反了语法规则,就被视为错误。这样,语法规则、发音规则、组词规则等就慢慢成为规定性的了。虽然在最近的20多年中,随着情景教学法、交际教学法等的发展,以语法规则为标准的外语教学法受到了挑战,但以语法规则、发音规则、组词规则等为标准的外语教学仍然占主流地位。  虽然现在我国外语学习的条件发生了很大的变化,但没有外语学习的环境的现象难以得到真正改变。用什么方法来解决外语学习中的这一难题呢?通过学习文体学的理论和方法,把文体学的基本出发点和研究范围纳入外语学习实践,可以提高学生外语学习的效果。  对于大学生,特别是高年级大学生,文体学是必学课程。在这个阶段,学生已经掌握了大量的语料,有了许多感性认识,但缺乏理论的指导、思路的开阔。文体学可以在一定程度上帮助学生改变这种现状。那么,文体学为什么会有这种功效呢?  首先,从文体学和语言学的关系上讲,文体学有其自己的特点。从语言学的角度讲,文体学是语言学的一个分支,研究语言的某个方面,即它所表现出来的某些特点,而语言学是对语言整体的研究。但从文体学的角度讲,它是一个特殊的、跨学科的学科。它不仅把文学和语言学联系起来,还可以把语言学和许多与语言相关的学科联系起来,如社会语言学、心理语言学、话语分析、会话分析、批评话语分析、体裁研究、符号学等。这也显示了文体学研究的独特特点。同时,文体学和语言学在研究重点上是有区别的。语言学以语法作为研究的中心,把组词造句作为研究的主要对象,同时它也以聚合关系作为研究的重点,无论形式主义还是功能主义都是如此。索绪尔就把研究的重点放在“语言”上,认为话语不是语言学家应该研究的,乔姆斯基也把语言能力作为研究的中心,不考虑语言行为,而功能主义的主要流派——系统功能语言学也把研究的重点放在系统上,认为语言的系统是第一性的,而结构是第二性的,所以它常被称为系统语法,或系统语言学。而文体学则更注重语言的组合关系、在实际语境中应用的话语,包括索绪尔的言语、乔姆斯基的语言行为和韩礼德的语言实际,或者语言功能。只有这些语言特征才能表现出不同的文体特色,才能在文体分析中进行研究。由此,就引出第二个问题:文体学研究的重点和出发点与普通语言学是不同的。  第二,从文体学研究的重点和出发点上讲,文体学研究的出发点是已经产出的语言,已经在语境当中使用的语言。这样,从语料上讲,它是活的语言,不是根据语法规则推导出来的语言。与它相伴随的还有情景语境、文化语境、交际目的、交际对象等。文体学研究的重点是发现语言的文体,以及为了发现语言的文体而建立起来的一系列理论模式、研究方法、问题分析程序、语料的选择方法等。


  《英语文体学教程》编写的基本思路是归纳性的。因为学生在大学阶段重点仍然是学习最基本的语言知识和技能,语言学和文体学的基本理论知识不足,如果一开始就要学生学习深奥的语言学和文体学的理论,难度很大,也容易使学生失去兴趣。所以,《英语文体学教程》采用从感性到理性,从实际语料和手段到理论的方法,一开始就给学生提供大量的真实语料,并对其中的文体特征进行归纳和总结,然后,根据语言的层次,探讨各种语言手段如何使用以取得文体效应,然后谈不同的实用文体和文学文体,最后讲文体和文体学的理论。 《英语文体学教程》适合作大学本科生的专业教材和参考书,以及从事英语语言或文学教学的教师和从事英语文体学或文学的研究人员的参考书。


PART ONE THE POTENTIAL STYLISTIC FEATURESChapter One Introducing Style1.1 A Taste of Style1.2 Style as Saying Different Things in Different Contexts1.3 Style as Speakers from Different Backgrounds1.4 Style as Functions of Texts1.5 The Stylistic FeaturesExercisesChapter Two Lexicology2.1 Morphemic Devices2.2 Lexical DevicesExercisesChapter Three Grammar3.1 Syntactic Deflection3.2 Syntactic IncongruityExercisesChapter Four Phonology and Graphology4.1 Phonology4.2 GraphologyExercisesChapter Five Semantics5.1 Cohesion and Style5.2 Sentence Groups, Passages and Paragraphs5.3 Patterns of Text StructureExercisesPART TWO PRACTICAL STYLEChapter Six Conversations and Speeches6.1 Daily Conversation6.2 Spontaneous Commentary6.3 Public SpeechExercisesChapter Seven News Report7.1 Semantic Features7.2 Text Structures7.3 Grammatical Features7.4 Lexical Features7.5 Graphological FeaturesExercisesChapter Eight International Business8.1 Semantic Features8.2 Grammatical Features8.3 Lexical Features8.4 Graphological FeaturesExercisesChapter Nine legal Documents9.1 Function and Style9.2 Grammatical Features9.3 Lexical Features9.4 Graphological FeaturesExercisesChapter Ten Science and Technology10.1 Semantic Features10.2 Grammatical Features10.3 Lexical FeaturesExercisesChapter Eleven Computer and Internet11.1 Computer Language11.2 Internet LanguageExercisesPART THREE LITERARY STYLEChapter Twelve The Style of Fiction12.1 The Characteristics of Fictional Language12.2 The Basic Techniques in Fictional Writings12.3 The Basic Elements of Fiction12.4 Lexical and Grammatical FeaturesExercisesChapter Thirteen The Style of Poetry13.1 The Poetic Genre13.2 The Social Functions and Characteristics of Poetry13.3 The Phonological Techniques and Lexis and Grammar in Poetic WritingsExercisesPART FOUR THE THEORY OF STYLISTICSChapter Fourteen The Concept of Style14.1 Defining Style14.2 The Characteristics of Style14.3 The Factors That Determine Style14.4 The Unit of Analysis in Studying StylisticsExercisesChapter Fifteen The Study of Stylistics15.1 The Definition of Stylistics15.2 The Necessity of Stylistics15.3 The Theories of Stylistics15.4 The Modes or Methods of Linguistic Prominence15.5 The Criteria of Relevance15.6 The Purpose and Procedure of Stylistic Analysis15.7 Choice of Aspects for Stylistic AnalysisExercisesChapter Sixteen Stylistics and Other Linguistic Disciplines16.1 Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis16.2 Genre16.3 Conversational Analysis16.4 Critical Discourse Analysis16.5 Pragmatics16.6 Sociolinguistics16.7 Semiotics16.8 PsycholinguisticsExercisesReferencesGlossary


  Few Yosemite visitors ever see snow avalanches and fewer still know theexhilaration of riding on them. In all my mountaineering I have enjoyed only oneavalanche ride, and the start was so sudden and the end came so soon I had but littletime to think of the danger that attends this sort of travel, though at such times onethinks fast. One fine Yosemite morning after a heavy snowfall, being eager to see asmany avalanches as possible and wide views of the forest and summit peaks in theirnew white robes before the sunshine had time to change them, I set out early toclimbby a side canyon to the top of a commanding ridge a little over three thousandfeet above the Valley. On account of the looseness of the snow that blocked thecanyon I knew the climb would require a long time, some three or four hours as Iestimated; but it proved far more difficult than I had anticipated. Most of the way Isank waist deep, almost out of sight in some places. After spending the whole dayto within half an hour or so of sundown, I was still several hundred feet below thesummit. Then my hopes were reduced to getting up in time to see the sunset. But Iwas not to get summit views of any sort that day, for deep trampling near the canyonhead, where the snow was strained, started an avalanche, and I was swished down tothe foot of the canyon as if by enchantment. The wallowing ascent had taken nearlyall day, the descent only about a minute. When the avalanche started I threw myselfon my back and spread my arms to try to keep from sinking. Fortunately, though thegrade of the canyon is very steep, it is not interrupted by precipices large enough tocause outbounding or free plunging. On no part of the rush was I buried. I was onlymoderately imbedded on the surface or at times a little below it, and covered witha veil of backstreaming dust particles; and as the whole mass beneath and about mejoined in the flight there was no friction, though I was tossed here and there andlurched from side to side. When the avalanche wedged and came to rest I foundmyself on top of the crumpled pile without a bruise or scar. This was fine experience.




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