出版时间:2008-6 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:PETS研究小组 编 页数:180 字数:360000
A lot happens to your teeth. They are ground, braced, brushed, flossed, polished, drilled,filled, and if you do not take care of them, pulled. For your teeth, proper oral care is as essential asanything else you do for your body and your generally health. Fortunately, if there is any damageto your teeth modern dentistry techniques make it easier, faster and less painful to get the problemfixed. By definition, dentistry includes the study, diagnosis, treatment and the prevention of diseaseof the mouth, teeth, gum and jawbones. Todays dentists use sophisticated equipment and pain-preventing medicines, but these have not always been around. The earliest historical records of dentistry are from Egypt from around 3600 BC. Aesculapius,a Greek physician who lived around 1250 BC, is credited with the idea of pulling disease teeth.Hippocrates, around 400 BC, wrote of applying ointments and using branding irons to treat diseaseof the mouth. Through the Middle Ages wealthy people were treated by physicians and surgeons,while poor people could look to the local barber to pull painful teeth. Modern dentistry emerged with the release of Pierre Fauchards book The Surgeon Dentist,A Treatise on Teeth. Fauchard is considered the father of modern dentistry. Later, the first schooldevoted to teaching dentistry opened in Baltimore in the USA in 1840. Green Vardiman Black invented a foot engine so dentists would have two free hands whileusing the dental drill. He also came up with the idea that gum disease was an infection caused bybacteria. This was later confirmed in 1960. An important contribution was made in 1944 when Dr.Horace Wells, a Connecticut dentist, first used nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as an oral anesthetic;today this method of administering anesthetic is employed for many dental and medical surgeries.The introduction of fluoride in toothpaste in the 1960s was a huge breakthrough; teenagers andadults today have a 50% better chance of not developing tooth decay. The 1990s saw a change in thinking when it came to fillings for cavities in teeth. Since theearly 1800s silver amalgam——a combination of silver, tin and mercury——has been the standardfilling ,compound. But modern fears about mercury poisoning have led many people to havetheir amalgam fillings replaced with plastic polymer fillings. Besides not having any mercury,plastic polymers have an advantage over metal fillings because the color can be matched to thesurroundings tooth and the material can be chemically bonded to the tooth. Dentistry methods are sure to advance even more in the future. Things such as lasertechnology, which is used to eliminate diseased tissue or weld together damaged parts of teeth, willsoon become a common practice in dentists offices. And computer-assisted technology is ushering in new advances in the area of tooth restoration. The primary goal of dentists is to develop earlydetection methods to prevent dental conditions from turning into dental problems. Caring for your teeth properly will lessen the number of visits you make to the dentist.Brushing properly, flossing every day, getting a professionally cleaning every six months andmaintaining a diet low in sugar can aid in keeping your teeth healthy. Your teeth will stay in yourmouth if you take care of them.56. Which one could be the best title of the article? [A] Proper dental hygiene. [B] Major events in the history of dentistry. [C] Great people who have been dentists. [D] Dentistry methods.