
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:高等教育  作者:汪翠珍  页数:191  


本书共分三大部分:概述、详解和模拟题。详解部分对听力的各个部分进行题型分解、重点、难点及考点分析,提供应对策略,按场景分类解析,并附常用单词、词组及句型。之后为复习者配备相关练习对学习效果进行即时检测。第三部分为十套模拟仿真题以备读者做实战练习之用。     本书编者均为同济大学和上海交通大学的一线骨干教师,长期从事大学英语教学和研究工作,对四、六级考试的题型设计,重点、难点有非常深入而细致的研究。相信本书能对参加四、六级考试的学生起到很好的指导作用。


第一部分  听力题型概述第二部分  听力分项详解  一、Short conversation(短对话)    I.题型分解    Ⅱ.分类详解    Ⅲ.集中测试    Ⅳ.集中测试答案及详解    V.集中测试听力文字稿  二、Longer conversation(长对话)    I.题型分解    Ⅱ.重点、难点及考点分析    Ⅲ.应对策略    Ⅳ.听力场景分类常用词和词组    V.常用关联词组和短语    Ⅵ.集中测试    Ⅶ.集中测试答案及详解    Ⅷ.集中测试听力文字稿  三、Short passages(短文)    I.题型分解    Ⅱ.重点、难点及考点分析    Ⅲ.应对策略    Ⅳ.文体及出题点详解    V.常用单词词组及句型    Ⅵ.集中测试    Ⅶ.集中测试答案及详解    Ⅷ.集中测试听力文字稿  四、Cornpound dictation(复合式听写)      I.题型分解    Ⅱ.重点、难点及考点分析    Ⅲ.应对策略    Ⅳ.集中测试    V.集中测试答案及听力文字稿第三部分  模拟试题、答案和听力文字稿  一、模拟试题  二、模拟试题答案  三、模拟试题听力文字稿


  His study of history made him wish the Olympic Games were still being held. He was sure that bringing amateur athletes together would promote friendly relations between the countries. It was this conviction that led him to announce he wanted to revive the Olympic Games.  He made this announcement in a meeting at the Union of French Societies of Athletic Sports for which he was Secretary General. No one really believed him and his statement was greeted with little enthusiasm. Coubertin was not discouraged and on 23 June, 1894 he founded the International Olympic Committee in a ceremony held at the University of Sorbonne in Paris. Demetrius from Greece became the first president of theIOC.  Two years later the first Olympic Games of the modern era was held in Athens. On that occasion Coubertinwas elected the second president of the IOC and he remained president until 1925. Due to the 1st World WarCoubertin requested permission to establish the headquarters of the IOC in Lausanne Switzerland which was aneutral country.  Coubertin suddenly died of a heart attack on September 2, 1937 in Geneva. He was buried in Lausanne,though his heart was buried separately in a monument near the ruins of ancient Olympia.  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.  19. Why did Coubertin wish to revive the Olympic Games?  20. How did people first react to his announcement?  21. When was the first Olympic Games of the modern era held?  22. Why did Coubertin request permission to establish the headquarters of the IOC in Lausanne?  Passage Three  Fast food, a mainstay of American eating for decades, may have reached a plateau in the United States asthe growing baby-boom generation looks for a more varied menu. Fast food still represents a $ 102-billion-a-year industry, but growth has turned sluggish recently among tough competition from retail food stores and aricher population willing to try new things and spend more.  Signs of trouble in fast food include price-cutting by industry leaders, including efforts by McDonalds toattract customers with a 55-cent hamburger. OPepsico, for example, is selling its fast-food restaurant divisionthat includes Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC.  According to the Food Marketing Institute, consumers are using supermarkets for 21 percent of take-homefood, nearly double the level of a year ago. While fast-food restaurants still lead, their share fell significantly,from 48 percent in 2005 to 41 percent in 2006. Consumers have never been more demanding than they aretoday. Their tastes are increasingly different. Meanwhile, the aging of the baby-boom population and thegrowth in the number of so-called "empty nesters" with grown children have meant a rise in the number ofpeople willing to spend more for expensive items. Some 18 million baby boomers will become empty-nesters inthe next 10 years, leaving them with more income available to spend on eating out. This generation will havethe luxury of being more selective as their children leave home.  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.  23. Why is fast food industry going downhill according to the passage?  24. What was fast-food restaurants market share in 20057  25. What is the main purpose of this passage?  ......



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  •   可以练习英语听力
  •   这本书时我考四级要买的,听力是四级里面比较重要的,所以要好生的训练一下了。。。感觉还行,应该是一本比较实用的书吧
  •   练下英语听力,好久没看英语了。
  •   想学好四级英语,这是个不错的选择!!!
  •   很喜欢,正好现在考四级用,很划算哟
  •   书不错很厚,就是mp3不太好用
  •   很专项的一本书,妹妹很喜欢。推荐。
  •   这本书的价格太实惠了,内容也还不错,希望它给我带来好运
  •   价格很合理 内容也很丰富 值得好好一读 感觉很值
  •   虽然有点脏旧了,但还是很值的
  •   只是便宜
  •   还不错,价格便宜,物有所值。
  •   前面的讲解相当详细,值得推荐。练习题很多
  •   书真的很棒
  •   质量不错,录音也好
  •   除了版次老了一些,其他都挺好的。题目讲解的也详细,书挺大挺厚的,这个价位是挺合算的。还有归类听力的重点,可以了。
  •   大学真心需要练听力啊
  •   好多的听力呀~我在一滴滴的进步当中!~
  •   其实这本我觉得是不错的,里面题目照着4级来的,不过听力有点慢……
  •   2007年的,也不知道题怎么样?应该过时了
  •   帮别人买的,听说内容很广,很实用
  •   内容可以,但寄过来的书有问题,前几页纸都脱落了,还有折痕
  •   物尽所用
  •   物美价廉,关键是内容很好,归纳较好。
  •   印刷、纸质都还不错,打折买的,很优惠
  •   一题题讲解的挺细的,告诉你怎么听的技巧,5块钱划算
  •   觉得书本版次老了点,其他还好
  •   版太久了,07年的。以后不能贪小便宜
  •   比较超值,到货也快!推荐!
  •   也许是有些过时了

  •   大本的 有光盘 厚度一般
  •   竟然是07年版的,无比失望...一半原因是因为我没注意吧,哎...

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