出版时间:2007-12 出版社:高等教育 作者:本社 页数:78
《实用沟通英语》系列教材是在麦格劳-希尔公司出版的ICON系列教材的基础上,根据教育部2000年颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》(以下简称(《基本要求》)改编而成的。原书是一项历时10年的国际性的英语教材研究项目的成果。来自7个国家的英语教育研究人员参与了这个项目,并研究出一套教学材料的设计原则,随后又进行了课程大纲开发和写作教学研究,最后在此基础上开发了ICON系列教材。 原书强调把英语教材作为课堂教学过程中的工具,不仅促进学生学习英语,而且帮助教师有效地组织和开展课堂教学活动。其主要理念是通过一系列交互性“核心活动”开展教与学,学生通过参与这些活动而学,教师通过这些活动而教,体现了当代外语教学领域中的先进教学理念和研究成果,符合《基本要求》规定的“强调语言基本技能的训练和培养实际从事涉外交际活动的语言应用能力”的培养目标。
《实用沟通英语学生练习册3》是《实用沟通英语》系列教材之一,是根据麦格劳-希尔公司出版的ICON系列教材改编而成,由《综合教程》、《教师参考书》、《学生练习册》和配套的录音、录像资料及电子教案等组成。 《实用沟通英语》系列教材共分三个级别,旨在循序渐进地培养学生综合使用英语的能力,特别注意为学生提供自然流利地使用英语进行语言交流的学习方法。该系列教材的编写基于对语言教学有效途径的深入研究,提炼了一整套能够成功地激发学生和师生课堂互动的核心活动,适用于大、小班英语教学的需求。
UNIT1 I was overdressed!UNIT2 To buy or not to buy?UNIT3 It was a box-office hit.UNIT4 High tech or low tech?UNIT5 Have you ever broken a bone?UNIT6 It’S a landmark.UNIT7 Small talkUNIT8 It,s a real scorcher!UNIT9 Boy bandsUNIT10 Easily rattledUNIT11 RegretsIrve had a few...UNIT12 Risky businessIrregular VerbsNotesCredits
What Was Cool in the 1920s? The lives of American women changed a lot during the 1920s. More women started working outside the home. The U.S. government gave women the right to vote in elections. Womens appearance also changed. In the past, they had long hair. Now many women, particularly in the big cities, had very short hair. Instead of long, heavy dresses, women now wore short dresses. They showed their arms and legs. They started wearing a hat from France called the "cloche." Today we may think these hats look strange, but they were cool in the 1920s. What Was Cool in the 1960s? During the 1960s, young people started wearing clothing that was completely different from their parents clothes. The teens didnt want to look dressy or be in style. They wanted to be different. Bell-bottom jeans were popular. T-shirts often had words or pictures on the front. Both boys and girls wore beads. And a very old-fashioned style of glasses became popular with young people. They were called "granny glasses" because they looked like glasses a grandmother would wear.
《实用沟通英语学生练习册3》主要特色: 核心活动:构建了顺畅的学生之间和师生之间的互动平台。 会话策略:提供了强有力的实用会话实践工具。 信息地带:引入了趣味十足的阅读、写作和会话交际内容。 聚焦习语:强调了生活和工作中实际使用的英语语言。 职业导向:将英语与学生未来职业选择相结合,突出实际使用英语进行涉外交际能力的训练与培养。