出版时间:2008-9 出版社:高等教育 作者:仲伟合 页数:377
影子练习:国际关系主题Topic for Interpreting:International Relations第一单元 同声传译概论Unit One Introduction to SimuLtaneous Interpreting第一部分 技能篇1.同声传译的概念2.同声传译的发展历史3.同声传译的工作程序4.同声传译译员素养要求第二部分 练习篇Exercise OneExercise TwoExercise Three记忆复述练习:和平与发展主题Topic for Interpreting:Peace and Development第二单元 同声传译记忆Unit Two Memory in Simultaneous Interpreting第一部分 技能篇1.源语单语连续复述2.源语单语同声复述3.源语单语延迟复述第二部分 练习篇:记忆复述练习Exercise OneExercise Two目标语复述练习:外交事务主题Topic for Interpreting:Foreign Affairs第三单元 同声传译中的注意力分配Unit Three Split of Attentionin Simultaneous Interpreting第一部分 技能篇1.理论概述2.技能指导第二部分 练习篇:目的语复述练习Exercise OneExercise Two视译练习:世贸组织主题Topic for Interpreting:WTO(World Trade Organization)第四单元 视译Unit Four Sight Interpreting第一部分 技能篇1.何为视译?2.如何对视译进行准备工作?3.如何练习视译?第二部分 练习篇:视译练习Exercise OneEXercise Two深度视译练习:中国经济主题Topic for Interpreting:Chinas Economy第五单元 同声传译基本原则Unit Five Principles of Simultaneous Interpreting……同传技巧练习:商务合作主题Topic for Interpreting:Business Cooperation第六单元 同声传译技巧(1)Unit Six Simultaneous Interpreting Skills(Ⅰ)同传技巧练习:全球竞争与合作主题Topic for Interpreting:Global Competition and Cooperation第七单元 同声传译技巧(2)Unit Seven Simultaneous Interpreting Skills(Ⅱ)应对策略练习:旅游与酒店业主题Topic for Interpreting:Tourism and Hotelling第八单元 同声传译应对策略Unit Eight Coping Tactics in imultaneous Interpreting金科玉律练习:物流产业主题Topic for Interpreting:Logistics第九单元 同声传译金科玉律Unit Nine The Golden Rules of Simultaneous Interpreting同传实战演练:体育活动主题Topic for Interpreting:Sports第十单元 同声传译设备Unit Ten Simultaneous Interpreting Facilities同传实战演练:教育发展主题Topic for Interpreting:Education第十一单元 同传译员的工作条件与职业操守Unit Eleven Code of Conducts for Simultaneous Interpreting译前准备练习:科技创新主题Topic for Interpreting:Sci-tech Innovation第十二单元 同声传译的译前准备工作Unit Twelve Preparation for Simultaneous Interpreting模拟会议练习:产业升级主题Topic for Interpreting:Industrial Upgrading第十三单元 国际会议Unit Thirteen Introduction to International Conferences模拟会议练习:常见会议主题Topic for Interpreting:Popular Conference Topics第十四单元 常见会议主题Unit Fourteen Introduction to Popular Conference Topics第十五单元 复习与测试Unit Fifteen Revision and Model Tests附录
Before I conclude, let me tel! you a little secret. And I learnt this secret in visiting thelibrary of the WTO. There is in this library an apocryphal and funny Secretariat guide to thelanguage of trade negotiators in the old GATT. Now this guide tells you that, in those years,when negotiators said "Mr Chairman, we seek a balanced agreement", what they really meantwas "this agreement had better contain everything we demand"; when the negotiators saidin those times "we have demonstrated flexibility", they really meant "we have successfullyconcealed our intransigence"; and when the negotiators announced "we are prepared to makeour contribution to an ambitious outcome", they really meant "we will only support agreementswhere others make all the concessions, and we make none"! This attitude, as we all very wellknow, is part of our past. This is the past because today, what we really need are negotiators that are bold, open-minded and prepared to take some risks, as successful shareholders and stakeholders do it.Ministers, we all know that, often face the difficult task of explaining to national constituenciesthat they gain something in negotiations, even if the negotiating process is not over. The manypeople who benefit from open trade are usually politically silent, whereas those fewer whoare affected by opening trade are politically much louder. So we all understand the need ofeach and every delegation to take home some gain from trade negotiations to rebalance thisasymmetry between winners and losers. The reality is that the true magic of these negotiations is to achieve results where allparticipants are winners, all will be able to declare victory. But for that, some risks have tobe taken. A popular Chinese proverb says "If you dont go into the cave of the tiger, how willyou get its cub?" —— in other words: nothing ventured, nothing gained.