
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:方红 主编  页数:242  


本教材的教学内容共十二个单元,每个单元由示范对话、学生对话、单项训练、短文、视频欣赏和录音练习六个部分组成。第一部分的示范对话是每个单元的核心,它在内容上前后承接,主要围绕美国商人马库斯到中国购买办公家具、洽谈作为汤普森南京公司北美代理这一主要情节展开,内容涉及付款、包装、运输、理赔、仲裁与合同签署等外贸洽谈中的重要环节。每个单元的第二至六部分,一方面巩固课文中学习的内容、词汇、句式与表达法,另一方面适当介绍制造业、旅游业、时尚业、广告、餐饮、媒体、动画制作等多种商业活动的内容及常用的英语词汇。 本教材遵循以学生为教学主体的理念,课文的呈现方式、练习设计与多媒体课件的功能等均体现了这一教学理念。课文的示范对话和与之配套的学生对话分别有文字版与动画版,动画生动、形象地表现了对话内容;文字版则配有词汇与中文翻译。每个单元有标注不同难度系数的练习。配套的多媒体课件使学生能在电脑上进行跟读、模仿、角色扮演与录音的训练。这些有助于学生灵活、自主地安排学习与复习。


Unit 1 Reception  Model Dialogues   1 At the Airport  2 At the Restaurant  3 Introducing Companies Student Dialogues   1 Asking for Mr. Liu's Room Number  2 Asking for Flight Information  3 Asking for the Train Schedule Basics: Numbers  Passage: Ted Turner  Video Clip: BMW  Recording Exercises: Advertising Unit 2 Telephone Communication  Model Dialogues   1 Asking About New Products on the Phone  2 Making Invitations on the Phone  3 Asking for the Room Number on the Phone Student Dialogues   1 Leaving a Message on the Answering Machine  2 Calling Back Mr. Liu  3 Dialing a Wrong Number Basics: Telephone Numbers  Passage: CNN and "The King of Media"  Video Clip: Lavinia's Fashion Empire  Recording Exercises: Entrepreneurs and the Entrepreneurial Spirit Unit 3 Booking  Model Dialogues   1 Booking Flight Tickets  2 Booking Hotel Rooms  3 Buying Concert Tickets Student Dialogues   1 Booking a Flight Ticket  2 Making an Appointment  3 Confirming a Meeting Basics: Month, Week, Dates and Time  Passage: The American Attitude Towards Manual Labor  Video Clip: Beauty Farm  Recording Exercises: Recreation and Entertainment Unit 4 Schedules  Model Dialogues   1 Arranging a Schedule  2 Making Changes in a Schedule  3 Arranging Further Meetings Student Dialogues   1 Making a Schedule  2 Sharing the Schedule  3 Making Changes in the Schedule Basics: Important Newspaper, Journals and Magazines in America and Britain  Passage: Where Is the Beef: After Announcing the First Loss in Its History, McDonald's Tries to Turn Around  Video Clip: Toy Companies Target Oversized Children  Recording Exercises: Travel (One) Unit 5 Price  Model Dialogues   1 Setting the Manufacturer's Price  2 Sharing the Advertising Cost  3 Asking a Price Student Dialogues   1 Asking a Price  2 Negotiating the Price Basics: Currency Passage: Wal-Mart  Video Clip: A Restored Farm in Portugal  Recording Exercises: Travel (Two) Unit 6 Modes of Payment Model Dialogues   1 Asking About Modes of Payment  2 Talking About Opening a Letter of Credit  3 Negotiating on the Modes of Payment Student Dialogues   1 Comparing Different Modes of Payment  2 Discussing the Modes of Payment  3 Paying the Bill in a Restaurant Basics: Asking for Price  Passage: Henry Ford: Bringing the Automobile to the Common Man  Video Clip: David Beckham: the Favorite of the Advertising Companies  Recording Exercises: Famous People Unit 7 Shipment and Packaging Unit 8 Signing a Contract Unit 9 Coming to a New Company Unit 10 Working Together Unit 11 Sales Promotion Unit 12 Planning for the Future 附录1 示范对话翻译 附录2 短文翻译 附录3 练习答案 附录4 总词汇表 参考文献


  Dialogue 3 Buying Concert Tickets(Jennie Wang and Marcus Ro@ers arrive at Huangtian Airport in Shenzhen andthey are now on the airport shuttle bus to downtown Shenzhen.)Marcus:The food provided on the plane was wonderful.1’m stuffed.Iennie:Me too.We don’t need any dinner,do we?Marcus:N0.Jennie:In that case,we,ll have plenty of time in downtown Shenzhen.What would you Iike to do?Marcus:I have no idea.Do you have any suggestions?lennie:The World Park in Shenzhen iS quite well.known.It also offersfree performances in the evening.Marcus:Do we have to do Iots of waIking?We walked over onekilometer when we visited Confucius Temple District yesterdayevening.My legs are still tired.Jennie:Really?Marcus:Americans walk far less than Chinese.We drive too much.Jennie:Then we’d better choose a more sedentary activity.Would youlike to spend one or two hours in a bar?Marcus:Not really.Is there a concert playing in the town?l like music alot.1’m curious about Chinese music.Jennie:I like Chinese music too.Let’S check whether there is a concertin the Music Hall when we get downtown.I noticed a poster inthe lobby of the airport.



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  •   书还可以,这是我们学校要求买的教材。。蛮喜欢的。。
  •   已经全部看完,相当不错。
  •   书很好 还不错
  •   正版的书,很不错
  •   内容安排具有实践性,情景真实,配上有课件的光盘有助于自学或教学多用!有一点点就是收到的书纸张不是很好。。。
  •   还不错,帮同学买的。
  •   不错 就是有点贵。、。。
  •   货品很好。
  •   课程设置很好
  •   买了几本商务英语口语教材全是**,不得不说中国的商务英语专业还是百废待兴,只有剑桥的教材是好书。这本书看上的是每个单元有个视频,以为能作为热身练习什么的,结果那视频质量极差,很小一个窗口还不清楚,内容也完全没有亮点,都是找的新闻或者广告什么的,我随便在网上都能找了更好的。里面的练习都不能使用,完全不具操作性,这本书完全是浪费钱!
  •   内容还可以,就是纸张太薄了,
  •   个人感觉内容编排很凌乱。。。排版看着也不舒服。。。但学校作为教课书用。。。忍吧
  •   很多年前出版的, 小孩满意就可
  •   我收到的不是我买的,郁闷

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