出版时间:2007-11 出版社:高等教育 作者:胡启海 页数:204
商务英语教学强调商业语境中特殊言语交际方式和特殊商务语言形式的运用。在编写商务英语教材的时候,要考虑到将语言知识、交际能力以及商务知识融于一体,使学生在学习语言的同时,掌握必要的商务知识及商务技能。“新编商务英语精读”系列教材在这方面作了大胆的尝试。该教材试图通过循序渐进的方式,使学生逐步掌握系统的英语语言基础知识,注重培养学生的实际商务英语交际能力。该套教材精心设计了许多小组活动,为学生营造各种话语环境,使他们能够把所学的知识运用于各种日常交际活动和商务活动之中。《新编商务英语精读》出版后,受到广大大专院校师生的欢迎。但美中不足的是,各册的配套参考书不齐全,特别是《新编商务英语精读4》,相对前三册来说具有一定的难度,如果缺乏配套的参考书,就会在教材的使用过程中给师生造成一定的教学与学习困难。为了满足广大师生的要求,特编写这本《新编商务英语精读4教学参考书》。 《新编商务英语精读4(学生用书)》分10个单元,每单元由三大部分组成:阅读I(ReadingI)、阅读Ⅱ(ReadingⅡ)以及扩展性练习(ExtendedActivities)。为此,我们在编写教学参考书的时候,结合学生用书的特点,进一步拓展教学的相关背景知识,为教学提供更详尽的语言知识,对课文的篇章结构知识和难句加以分析和阐释,并对教材中的扩展性练习提供相关文化背景知识或详细的参考资料和讲解。另外,在每单元之后还附了一套自测题供学生自主检测学习情况。 《新编商务英语精读4教学参考书》每个单元设置为课前预习(PartIPre.1earning)、课文学习(Lear。ningProcedure)和课后自主测验(Self-studyTest)三大板块。课前预习包括本单元教学目的(AimsforThisUnit)和相关文化背景知识(CulturalBackground)。课文学习板块包括阅读I和阅读Ⅱ的词句部分、篇章结构分析和扩展练习参考三部分。阅读工和阅读Ⅱ词句部分包括语言要点(KeyLanguagePoints)或注释(Notes)以及难句分析和翻译(DifficultSentences)。阅读Ⅱ的注释部分编写方式与阅读I的语言要点稍有不同,它包括词汇和短语的用法、例句及其相关背景知识。篇章结构分析(StructureofReading工)对课文进行分段分析,以便加深对课文的理解。
Unit 1 AdvertisementUnit 2 Business CommunicationUnit 3 Organizational CultureUnit 4 FamilyUnit 5 SightseeingUnit 6 Public RelationsUnit 7 Modern OfficeUnit 8 ProductionUnit 9 AutomobilesUnit 10 Insurance
Virginia Valentine, director of advertisings foremost cultural analysiscompany, Semiotic Solutions, argues that brands can no longer expectconsumers to take sales messages at face value. Consumers challenge everythingthey are told, she believes, and will prefer brands that give them somethingback, rather than the old-style "Heres our product. Aint it great!" philosophywhich has dominated advertising since its inception. Thus ads can deal withsocial issues and refer to the news agenda these days. Inevitably, though, it cango horribly wrong. "The risk is, and I think this is true in the case ofVolkswagen, that if you use images of faith and prostitute them, people willtake offence. Its all very well if you give them something back, but it is clearthat Jesus could not have benefited from that poster campaign." The ad agency, however, may well have done. The VW campaign mightlook like a marketing disaster, but increasingly ad agencies are selling to clientsnot simply their ability to write ads but their ability to write ads that generatePR. Some clients ask all agencies pitching for their business to demonstratetheir ability to garner extra publicity. A deliberately shocking ad is the simplest way to get additional mediacoverage, and even if the media coverage is negative, it can still help to sell theproduct as advertisers like Benetton have already proved. One supporter of Benettons work is Leon Jaume, Deputy Creative Directorof ad agency Ogilvy & Mather, who believes its success lies in knowing itstarget. "In marketing terms the only real taboo is upsetting the people you wantto buy your product," he says. "As long as its legal and the client is OK with it,you can offend anyone else and in many ways you should. Id normally seeoutrageous advertising as a youth proposition though, and I think VWs mistakemay have been in selling a product that isnt a youth product with this kind ofstyle. Young people are receptive to taboo-breaking as they are more open-minded than older people. I think they positively welcome advertising thatannoys their parents."