
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:高等教育  作者:本社  页数:161  字数:350000  


  音乐首先是一种感受,只有在感受中才能体验音乐,培育音乐感。英语也是一种感受,因此我们也可在感受英语的体验中学习英语,掌握英语。不步入音乐殿堂,我们很难体味音乐的美妙;不涉足英语世界,我们也很难体验英语世界的奥妙。我们的《大学体验英语》选择了一些文体轻松随意、内容亲切现实的英语素材,设计了一些有话可说、有话愿说的练习,使英语学习成为一种学生愿意参加的欢悦经历和体验。不少使用过和正在使用《大学体验英语》的学生,都感到“体验”二字乍听起来新奇,可学后又倍感名副其实。对那些一学英语就感到畏难的同学来说,他们的心理负担在愉快的英语体验中开始缓解;对那些喜欢学习英语的同学来说,他们的英语在新的体验式学习当中得到升华。  同学们和老师们还把自己学习和教课的体验归纳成希望我们修订再版《大学体验英语》的意见,用各种方式告诉了我们。意见提得中肯,我们听得认真,再版修订时我们更加发挥和完善了“体验”的特点。在保持广大师生认可的第一版的体系、特质和风貌的基础上,更新了部分教材内容,将《大学体验英语》的修订重点放在语言交际训练的编排上,更便于学生去“体验”《大学体验英语》,“体验”英语学习乐趣,“体验”英语能力的不断提高。第二版更好地体现了编写《大学体验英语》时确立的“加强听说、加强表达、加强实用”的三项原则。与此同时,我们还聘请优秀的一线教师为每册教材编写了至少一课的典型示范教案,帮助教师更好地引导学生去“体验”英语。




Unit 1  Men and Women's PrejudicesUnit 2  CultureUnit 3  CopyrightUnit 4  Language and EconomyUnit 5  Business EthicsUnit 6  Psychological Health


  Men Are Different From Women in Many Ways Traditionally, men and women were seen as opposite poles of a magnet. Men were strong, womenwere weak; men were the breadwinners, women were the homemakers; men were rational, womenwere emotional. In accordance with these beliefs, men filled the leadership positions in society, as wellas the majority of positions that required courage, clearthinking and intellect. Women took on the nurturing,caring or supportive jobs such as nurse, teacher, assistant. However, modem society has greatly challengedthese perceived differences between men and women. These days gender roles are becoming less clear. Women are moving into the maledominatedoccupations and proving that they can be equally successful in these fields. Moreover, some men aretaking on the homemaker role and finding that it suits them. In some cultures, for example the Naxiculture of southwestern China, women have always been the head of the household and responsible forboth work and finance. So, are m~n and women really all that different?From the changing perspectives towards this question,it would seem that socialization plays a large role in defining masculinity and femininity in any given timeperiod and in any given culture. In other words, perhaps men and women are not that different after all.



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