出版时间:2003-02-01 出版社:英语 作者:邹为诚 页数:202
《综合英语教程》第五册和第六册是专门为我国高等院校英语专业高年级语言综合训练课编写的教材,编写理念是鼓励学生将语言学习与学科知识、人文知识和文化知识的学习结合起来,在大量的阅读中穿插写作的练习,提高学生处理学术语言和书面语言的能力。 该教材的第一版于2002年出版,4年中全国有近两百所院校将其作为三、四年级综合语言课教材,编者所执教的学校也进行了三轮试验,这些试验为第二版修订打下了良好的基础。 修订后的教材保留了第一版的基本材料和练习内容,同时改正了第一版中的错误,增加了训练内容,补充了大量的文化和语言注释,添加了词语学习板块,编者希望通过这些改动增添学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的学习效果。
Subject 1 Learning LiteratureUNIT ONE 2Introduction 2Basic Issues 16Learning and Application 21UNIT TWO 32Understanding Different Positions 32Reading for Research 37Learning and Application 43UNIT THREE 48Expanding the Scope 48Conducting Research 58Subject 2 GlobalizationUNIT FOUR 60Introduction 60Basic Issues 71Learning and Application 74UNIT FIVE 77Understanding Different Positions. 77Reading for Research 80Learning and Application 86UNIT SIX 91Expanding the Scope 91Conducting Research 96Subject 3 Growing Up and LearningUNIT SEVEN 98Introduction 98Basic Issues 109Learning and Application 121UNIT EIGHT 126Understanding Different Positions 126Reading for Research 130Learning and Application 135UNIT NINE 143Expanding the Scope 143Conducting Research 150Subject 4 Work, Play and LeisureUNIT TEN 153Introduction 153Basic Issues 174Learning and Application 175UNIT ELEVEN 183Understanding Different Positions 183Reading for Research 186Learning and Application 191UNIT TWELVE 195Expanding the Scope 195Conducting Research 202
R: We study the Old Testament3, which can trace at least ... three major world religions back to Therefore we try to keep it as impartial as we can, try to discuss whats written in the text that everyone believes. A: What are the major religions you study? R: Christianity, Judaism and Muslim. A: Do you perceive any differences in education between the public and private religious school? R: I have actually gone to private school previously. Many of my friends have gone to public schools. I have noticed it is a bit more strict and they enforce a dress code. Otherwise, eh, the education is generally the same. A: How do you feel about your teachers? Can you describe the teacher-student relationships? What will happen if the student disagrees with the teacher or thinks the teacher is wrong? Do students argue with the teacher at class? R: Teachers and students generally get along. If we have problems they are more than willing to take our questions. At the end of the day their offices are open to students who have questions or want to talk. And we have what is called "Teacher-Advisors" who advise us on any matter in school. They also have a voice for you in the faculty and administration. If a student disagrees with a teacher at class, we generally talk about it. We would talk about why they thought it was wrong, and just try to work it out. We will have a logical discussion about our viewpoint and draw other students into discussion, and they will contribute their views on the issue. And the teacher is very interested in what each student has to say.
汇集国内一流专家 融合多年教学经验 倡导现代学习理念 提供教学解决方案