出版时间:2007-7 出版社:高等教育 作者:孙艳芬//孙楠楠 页数:107
《民航服务英语》是针对中等职业学校民航服务专业的英语教材,根据中等职业学校学生的特点,结合民航相关的岗位要求编写而成,旨在帮助民航服务专业的学生和从业人员掌握英语运用和交际能力。 本书具有以下特点:1.紧密结合民航服务的工作以及民航服务一线员工所需用的英语和为国际乘客服务的实际,编者根据民航服务不同岗位对员工英语的要求,结合民航服务专业毕业生近十年的社会实践反馈意见,将工作中使用频率较高的常用语、专业术语和内容编写成课文和对话,使教材内容贴近工作实际,更具有时效性。2.内容深入浅出,通俗易懂,便于掌握。本教材无论从课文和对话的篇幅上还是从句子结构和单词量上,基本符合目前中等职业学校学生的英语基础,便于专业英语的入门学习。3.本书编写上注重互动学习,充分发挥学生的学习主体作用。教材尝试采用情景、任务驱动等符合职业教育教学的方法来编写案例,将符合学生特点和教学内容的真实任务引进课堂,使学生在解决问题、完成任务和项目的同时掌握了基础的专业知识,英语的运用能力和交际能力也得到了提高。 本书分为8个单元。每个单元分为课文、对话、译文、练习四部分。书后附有词汇表、常用语和专业术语、补充阅读材料等。本书的建议学时为60学时。本书由北京市求实职业学校孙艳芬、孙楠楠主编。北京市求实职业学校的段会明、刘学文、何杰、张玉平、李新友和王迎参与了编写。在本书的编写过程中,黄冬梅、李立文、李德庆等经验丰富的专业人士从专业角度对教材提出了中肯的建议。北京首都机场博维公司的李祖光校友提供部分图片,北京市求实职业学校04级的贾煜轩同学在文字录入和图片编辑方面给予了很大帮助,在此一并感谢! 本书出现的航班号、航班时刻、票价、运费等仅供参考,特此说明。 由于编者水平有限,教材中难免存在错漏之处,恳请读者批评指正。
《民航服务英语》是中等职业学校民航服务专业的英语教材,根据中等职业学校学生的特点,结合民服务相关岗位对英语的要求编写而成,旨在帮助民航服务专业的学生和从业人员掌握英语运用和交际能力。《民航服务英语》分为8个单元。内容涉及电话订座、问询、办理出港手续、安全检查、海关、购物空中乘务以及航空货物运输等内容。 《民航服务英语》可供中等职业学校民航服务专业的学生作为专业英语教材使用,也可供民航服务从业人员和相关人员参考。 《民航服务英语》采用出版物短信防伪系统,用封底下方的防伪码,按照《民航服务英语》最后一页“郑重声明”下方的使用说明进行操作可查询图书真伪并赢取大奖。
Unit 1 TelephoneReservation电话订座TextDialogueExercisesUnit 2 Inquiry问询TextDialogueExercisesUnit 3 Check-in at theAirport办理出港手续TextDialogueExercisesUnit 4 Security Check安全检查TbxtDialogueExercisesUnit 5 Customs海关TextDialclgueExercisesUnit 6 Shopping购物TextDialogueExercisesUnit 7 In-flight Service空中乘务TextDialogueExercisesUnit 8 Air Cargo Transportation航空货物运输TextDialogueExercisesKey to Exercises参考答案Glossary词汇表Phrases&Expressions专业术语表Supplementary Reading Materials补充阅读材料
Now, air freight takes up a larger share of the total airline business. But the movement of freighty air is more complicated than the movement of passengers by air. For one thing, freight cant speak for itself or cant make a connection, especially, it cant take care of its own travel documents. So, all freights have to be labeled and transported carefully. In addition, there are more government regulations for the international shipment of freight. Because of these complications, the shipping business promotes the development of two occupations——the freight forwarding agency and the customs broker. The freight forwarding agency is a commercial agency. It makes all the necessary arrangements for the shipment of freight. The freight forwarding agency links the shippers and the carrier——the airlines. The shipper who doesnt often do the international air freight shipment likes to call the freight forwarding agency, who will deal with all the procedures. There are some famous freight forwarding agencies, such as DHL(It comes from the initial letter of the Last name of the three founders. They are Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom and Robert Lynn.), FedEx Express, Kerry ESA and so on. The customs broker is an agent who handles customs and other government formalities on freight shipments. Almost all countries have a lot of regulations about international freight. Some shippers and consignees are not familiar with the procedures therefore, they usually ask the customs broker to deal with the application to customs and customs clearance. In ther words, the customs broker gives the international shippers the necessary documents for out going shipments, and provides service to the incoming shipments for going through customs.