出版时间:2009-7 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:张美霞,严彤 主编 页数:233
《信心汉语》第三册“工作篇”以英国外交及联邦事务部语言培训中心的外交人员内部培训课程为基础,是专门为学习过第一册和第二册或水平相当的学习者量身定做的。它可以作为大学、中学、语言培训机构的教材,还可供自学者使用。 “工作篇”旨在提高学习者在中国工作所需的汉语听说技能。为吸引学习者充分融人到学习过程中,本书所选语料生动、地道,内容涵盖从“购买办公用品”、“参加工作会议”、“接待客户”等多种与日常工作交际紧密相关的话题及情景。本书力求使汉语学习变得简单、有趣,让学习者充分享受学习的过程。每一单元都能从某一角度帮助学习者建立用汉语交际的信心,从而有效地提高交际能力。
Introduction1 May I introduce myself?2 Please inform them 3 Remind him not to forget to ask for a receipt4 I promise5 I hope your business continues to flourish 6 Would you mind giving it to him?7 That would be rather difficult 8 Is there any discount?9 Oh, so that's how it is 10 Which university did you graduate from?Revision 111 You did very well in the talk 12 We are sorry for that13 Have a good journey14 I deeply regret the lost opportunity15 I have no objection 16 Everyone must be well prepared for it17 I'd like to have your opinion18 Would you please explain that?19 I'd like to make an enquiry20 Generally speaking,they're pretty goodRevision 2Transcript for Listening Practice