出版时间:2006-5 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:麦科马克 页数:60
随着我国大学英语教学改革的不断深入与发展,大学本科生对英语学习有了更高的要求。许多学生在通过了大学英语四级考试后,希望尽快进入选修课程的学习,如:实用写作、高级听说、英美社会与文化、报刊选读等,以便更有针对性地加强某项语言技能或提高某方面的语言能力和文化素养。从多数院校的实际情况看,高年级或通过大学英语四级考试后的学生开设英语选修课程已成为高校大学英语课程建设与发展的一个重要的方面。 为了更好地适应大学英语教学这一发展趋势以及学生的需要,高等教育出版社引进了由英国里丁大学开发、Gamet出版社出版的本系列教材,并将其列入《新世纪标准大学英语》系列教程。这套教材以学术性写作和阅读为主体,针对具有较好英语基础的大学生和研究生而设计,以语言运用培养为主线,以学术内容为基础。
i Introdudion1 Introduction to the skills of extended writing and research2 Using evidence to support your ideas3 Struduring your project and finding information4 Developing your proied5 Developing a focus6 Introductions, conclusions and definitions7 Incorporating data and illustrations8 Preparing for presentations and editing your work 1a Appendices
The structure of projects The aim of this section iS to familiarise studentswith a typical first project.The length,featuresand format of the sample project Rememberingand forgetting:to what extent can we improvememory?in Appendix 1(Course Book pages 118——119)make it a reasonable approximation ofwhat students should be aiming for.The projectwas completed by a student and was chosenbecause it is about a fairly general and accessibletopic,but contains some useful examples ofacademic style and conventions(figures,quotations and a bibliography).It is also generallywell organised,with an introduction,main bodyand conclusion.