出版时间:2006-8 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:林建强 编 页数:193
进入21世纪,我国的经济和社会发展进入了一个新的时期。随着对外交流的日益广泛.社会对大学生的英语能力,尤其是应用能力,提出了更高的要求,大学英语教学面临新的形势和任务。为此,教育部于2004年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),提出了新的大学英语教学目标,即培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力。 听力是语言学习的基本技能之一,也是我国学生英语学习中的一个难点。突破这个难关有利于其他语言技能,尤其是口语能力的提高,同时也能为培养学生的英语交际能力奠定一个良好的基础。但是,目前我国大学生的听力水平不容乐观。从国内大型的英语测试(如四、六级考试)情况来看,大学生在听力理解部分得分普遍较低。学生在英语学习的自我评估中,也常常将听力列为一项薄弱技能。
Chapter One Survival SituationUnit One Renting a HousePart A: Do You Have a House for Rent?Part B: At a Rental AgencyUnit Two Travel and HolidayPart A: Discussing about the Coming HolidaysPart B: A Trip to GreeceUnit Three Registration in the UniversityPart A: Registration ProceduresPart B: What Courses Shall I Take?Unit Four Seeing a DoctorPart A: A Terrible CoughPart B: InsomniaUnit Five Checking in at the AirportPart A: At the AirportPart B: At the Passport ControlUnit Six Individual InformationPart A: Advice about Choosing a CareerPart B: Applying for a Parking StickerUnit Seven Applying for a JobPart A: A Job InterviewPart B: How to Succeed in a Job InterviewUnit Eight Lost and Found OfficePart A: Reporting a Lost BriefcasePart B: Reporting a Lost PurseUnit Nine Booking a HotelPart A: Id Like to Book a RoomPart B: Checking in at a HotelUnit TenPart A: Opening an AccountPart B: What is a Student Account?Chapter Two Academic SituationUnit One Universities in Brits.inPart A: Universities in BritainPart B: Universities and Polytechnics in BritainUnit Two How to Prepare a PresentationPart A: How to Present a Seminar PaperPart B: Improving Presentation SkillsUnit Three Consulting in the LibraryPart A: Introducing University Library ServicePart B: A Lecture About the University LibraryUnit Four Counseling Service in the UniversityPart A: An Introduction to the College Counseling ServicePart B: A Counseling SessionUnit Five Orientation Meetings in the UniversityPart A: What New Students Should KnowPart B: An Orientation Meeting for Foreign StudentsUnit Six Language LearningPart A: Tips on Language LearningPart B: How to Learn a Foreign LanguageUnit Seven Acid Rain in EuropePart A: An Introduction to Acid RainPart B: Acid Rain in the UKUnit Eight AridityPart A: Aridity in AustraliaPart B: Water Consumption in AustraliaUnit Nine Agriculture in the United KindomPart A: An Introduction to British AgriculturePart B: A Lecture on British AgricultureUnit Ten EnviromentPart A: Environmental Problems in Coastal AreasPart B: The Importance of Trees to Urban AreasUnit Eleven Wales-Land and PeoplePart A: A Brief Introduction to WalesPart B: Wales-Land of SongUnit TwelvePart A: Climatic Regions in CanadaPart B: The School System in CanadaUnit ThirteenPart A: A Brief Introduction to New ZealandPart B: Tourist Attractions in New ZealandUnit FourteenPart A: Causes and Consequences of StressPart B: Coping with StressUnit FifteenPart A: The Childhood of the Wright BrothersPart B: The Wright Brothers and the History of FlightUnit SixteenPart A: BurglaryPart B: Car TheftUnit SeventeenPart A: The Graying of AmericaPart B: The Aging SocietyUnit Eighteen Academic ReportPart A: Natural ResourcesPart B: The Mystery of UFOsUnit Nineteen HealthPart A: VitaminsPart B: The Effects of Old Age on HealthUnit Twenty FestivalsPart A: Western FestivalsPart B: The First ThanksgivingAppendix I Keys and ScriptsAppendix II Glossary