
出版时间:2006年8月1日  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:北京英语水平考试领导小组  页数:254  


  建设现代化的国际城市,提高语言交流的国际化水平是一项十分重要的内容。北京市民讲外语活动组委会、北京市人民政府外事办公室和英国剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL.考试部联合推出北京英语水平考试(BeJing Englist Testing Systerm,简称BETS),并编辑出版了北京英语水平考试大纲、标准教程、全真模拟题等,旨在以筹备2008年奥运会为契机,持续和深入地推进北京市民讲外语活动,使我们的城市在经济繁荣、社会进步的过程中,更好地学习、借鉴了世界上的先进文明成果,更好地实现悠久、灿烂的历史文化的继承、创新与发展,更好地为城市的对外开放和现代化建设以及外国朋友在首都北京学习、工作、生活提供支持与服务。  北京英语水平考试直接服务于市民的英语学习和应用.认真并充分考虑北京的特点和这座城市发展、广大市民的需要。具体来讲,BETS有三个特点:一是考试的试题由英国剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL.考试部和北京市民讲外语活动组委会共同研发,引进国际成熟的语言测试标准,是比较权威的语言测试体系:二是针对外语学习中普遍存在的“听不懂、讲不出”的问题,注重对英语听、说、读、写能力的全面检验:三是面向广大市民,针对不同学习阶段和外语水平.开设了三个等级的考试。考题与在京日常工作和生活场景紧密相关,凡有愿望检测英语学习成果的市民都可报名参加。考试合格后,将获得两张证书:一个是由北京英语水平考试领导小组(北京市民讲外语活动组委会代章)、北京市人民政府外事办公室和北京教育考试院共同颁发的北京英语水平考试等级证书;另一个是由英国剑桥大学考试委员会ESOI一考试部颁发的国际通用英语系列考试证书。  考试是检验学习成果的手段,而不是阻挡学习的关卡。热情欢迎学习英语的市民朋友参加北京英语水平考试.通过考试进一步激发和增强英语学习的动力。北京市民讲夕h语活动组委会、北京市人民政府外事办公室、北京教育考试院等有关方面正在为大家参加考试做认真的准备将提供良好的服务。  学好、用好外语既有助于支持和帮助个人成长和事业发展,也是每一个在北京学习、工作、生活的人为这座城市的现代化建设做出贡献所应肩负的一份责任。让我们携起手来,为首都北京的美好明天,为全面实现“新北京、新奥运”的战略构想而共同努力。


  “北京英语水平考试”(BETS2)是由北京市政府外事办公室、北京市民讲英语活动组委会、北京市教育考试院联合推出的综合性考试,评测考生包括听、说、读、写各项语言技能,与剑桥考试委员会PET考试接轨,通过考试的考生可同时获得“北京英语水平考试等级证书”和国际认证的英语等级证书。《北京英语水平考试全真模拟题(第三级)》以剑桥大学出版社出版的Past Papers for PET为蓝本,经过本土化改造后,适合中国和北京各行业的市民考生学习和备考,是“北京英语水平考试”考生考前复习和强化训练的学习用书。




  Young Shoppers  A Supermarket shopping with children,one mother says, is absolute a murder:“They want everything they see. If it’s not the latest sugar—coated breakfast cereal,it’s Disney video or a comic.Usually all three.I can’t afford all this stuff and,anyway,if I agree to their demands I feel I’ve been persuaded against my better judgement and I feel guilty about buying and feeding them rubbish.Yet I hate myself for saying no all the time.and I get cross and defensive in anticipation as we leave home.I do my best to avoid taking them shopping but then 1 worry that I’m not allowing them to have the experience they need in order to make their own choices.I can’t win.”  B Research has found that children taken on a supermarket trip make a purchase request every two minutes.More than&150 million a year is now spent on advertising directly to children.most of it is on television.That figure is likely to increase and it is in the supermarket aisles that the investment is most likely to be successful.For children.the reasons behind their parents’decisions about what they can and cannot afford are often unclear,and arguments about how bad sugar is for their teeth are unconvincing when compared with the attractive and emotionally persuasive advertising campaigns.  C According to Susan Dibb of the National Food Alliance,“Most parents are concerned about what they give their children to eat and have ideas about what food is healthy—although those ideas are not always accurate.Obviously,such a dialogue between parents and children is a good thing,because if the only information children are getting about products is from TV advertising,they are getting a very one— sided view.Parents resent the fact that they are competing with the advertising industry and are forced into the position of repeatedly disappointing their children.”The Independent Television Commission,which regulates TV advertising, prohibits advertisers from telling children to ask their parents to buy products.But,as Dibb points out,‘qhe whole purpose of advertising is to persuade the viewer to buy something.So even if.they cannot say,‘Tell your mum to buy this product,’the intended effect is precisely that.”  D A major source of stress for some parents shopping with children is the mental energy required to decide which demands should be agreed to and which should be refused.One mother says she has patience when it comes to discussing food with her children,but she still feels unhappy about the way she manages their shopping demands:“My son does pay attention to advertisementsbutheiscriticalofthem.Wetalkalot about different products and spend time looking at labels.I’vetalkedaboutitsomuchthatI’vebrainwashed himintothinking alladvertsarerubbish.Wehavevery little conflict in the supermarket now because the children don’t ask for things 1 won’t want to buy.”E Parents also admit they are inconsistent,even hypocritical,in their responses to their children’s purchasing requests.Mike,father of a son of seven and a daughter of three,says,“We refuse to buy him the sweets he wants on the grounds that it’s bad for him while we are busy loading the trolley with double cream and chocolate for ourselves.It’s enjoyable to buy nice things.and its quite reasonable that children should want to share that.I suppose.But I still find myself being irritated by their demands.It partly depends on how I feel.If I’m feeling generous and things are going well in my life.I’m more likely to say yes.It’s hard to be consistent.”F Supermarkets themselves could do a lot more to ease parent—child conflict by removing sweets from checkout areas or even by providing supervised play areas.Although parents might spend less without their children with them,the thought of shopping without your six—year-old’s demands would surely attract enough extra customers to more than make upthe difference.


  北京英语水平考试(Beijing English Testing system,简称BETS)由北京市民讲外语活动组委会、北京市人民政府外事办公室与英国剑桥大学考试委员会EsoL考试部共同推出。由北京教育考试院承办。北京英语水平考试试题由英国剑桥大学考试委员会EsoL考试部与北京市民讲外语活动组委会共同研发。涉及阅读、写作、语法与结构、听力和口语等方面,旨在全面考查考生综合运用语言的能力。  北京英语水平考试领导小组组织编写了《北京英语水平考试考试大纲》、《北京英语水平考试标准教程》、《北京英语水平考试全真模拟试题》等系列用书,由高等教育出版社独家出版发行。



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