出版时间:2006-7 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:教育部考试中心 页数:451 字数:700000
第一章 人物 Unit1 问候与介绍 Unit2 人物第二章 住房及家庭环境 Unit3 住房 Unit4 家庭环境第三章 日常生活 Unit5 在家里 Unit6 在工作第四章 食物与饮料 Unit7 就餐 Unit8 饮食文化第五章 业余活动 Unit9 爱好与兴趣 Unit10 娱乐第六章 教育 Unit11 学校生活 Unit12 自学第七章 科学 Unit13 自然科学 Unit14 社会科学第八章 假日 Unit15 周末活动 Unit16 假日 第九章 购物 Unit17 商品与商店 Unit18 购物第十章 健康与保健 Unit19 就医与医疗保险 Unit20 健体活动与环境卫生第十一章 天气与气候 Unit21 天气与气候(1) Unit22 天气与气候(2)第十二章 地点 Unit23 地点第十三章 旅行 Unit24 交通 Unit25 游览与日程安排第十四章 服务 Unit26 宾馆 Unit27 银行与邮局第十五章 社会关系 Unit28 社会关系附录一 交际话题表附录二 功能意念表附录三 语法项目表附录四 语言技能表附录五 听力练习录音稿附录六 练习答案附录七 单词和短语总表
Helen: Maybe they are too busy to have enough time to sit down and enjoy a real meal. Just imagine you are working in an office. Youre very busy and the boss is shouting at everyone. At midday, youre given only 15 minutes for lunch. You go down to the street and want to order your food, pay for it, eat it, buy a newspaper, wash your hands, talk to some friends, then get back to your seat. Obviously you cant do all this within the given time. So what do you eat? Snacks or fast food. Peter: I seldom go to fast food restaurants although many of my friends do. I prefer packing my own lunch box with me every day. I keep it in the Mdge in my office. Thats not only saving time, but also saving money.Helen: I think you are living a quality life. Do you eat anything while you are watching TV? Peter: Mostly I dont. Snacks usually make you thirsty. But if I do,fruit is my favorite, especially apples. Have you heard the saying:An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Helen: Oh, yes. So in order to keep doctors away, wed better eat morefruit and vegetables. Peter: Right. I also prefer food with little fat like rice. I have faith innatural and simple food. Pat is a writer. He is meeting Sue for the first time in a restaurant. Sue: What do you write? Story books? Plays? Pat: Just articles for newspapers. Sue: What are you working on now? Pat: Ive just finished a piece on background music. Sue: Background music? Oh, like the music theyre playing here in the restaurant? Pat: Yes. You hear it everywhere ... in restaurants, airports,supermarkets, chain stores and department stores. Its supposed to put you in a good mood. sue: Im not sure I like that idea.
全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部 考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试。PETS是我国惟一面向全体社会公民的多级别的权威英语测试体 系,人们可以根据自己的英语水平选择参加其中任何一个级别的考试。PETS分为笔试和日试两个相对独立 的考查部分,对考生听、说、读、写等能力进行全面考查,对合格者颁发相应的英语等级证书,以满足社 会上英语能力鉴定和人才市场的需求。 PETS2级和4级考试的标准被分别用来改造当前高考和研究生入学考试中 的英语考试,PETS2级和3级考试被分别用来替代高等教育自学考试中的专科和本科考试中的公共英语考试,而 PETS5级考试已替代全国外语水平考试中的英语考试(WSK·EPT)。随着PETS考试在我国各地区的蓬勃发展,教育部考试中心根据实际需求于 2006年修订了考试大纲。新大纲不仅详细介绍了了PETS的设计背景、级别标准、考试形式、结构租内容以及 考试样卷等,还配有VCD光盘,内容包括计算机口语考试、现场口语考试实考录像等。为了让广大考生充分而 有针对性地学习与备考,教育部考试中心还组织编写了《全国英语等级考试标准教程》(第2级)(全国英语等级考试)。 上述考试大纲和标准教程等系列用书由教育部考试中心授权高等教育出版社独家出版发行。