
出版时间:2007-10  出版社:高等教育  作者:卓敏  页数:492  




Major ContributorsPrefaceThe Guide to Use This BookPart Ⅰ Genes,Neurons and NeurotransmissionChapter 1 Genes and NeuronsChapter 2 Synapses:Coupling of Presynaptic Voltage-gated Ca2+ Channels to Vesicular Release of NeurotransmitterChapter 3 Synaptic Vesicle Cycle at Nerve TerminalsPart Ⅱ Glutamate,Excitatory Transmission and PainChapter 4 Postsynaptic Excitatory TransmissionChapter 5 Kainate ReceptorsChapter 6 Excitatory Amino Acid Neurotransmitter RegulationChapter 7 Spinal Glutamate ReceptorsChapter 8 Glutamate Kainate Receptor in Pain Transmission and ModulationPart Ⅲ Neuropeptides,ATP,Retrograde Messengers and OpiOidsChapter 9 NeuropeptidesChapter 10 ATPandItsReceptorsinPainChapter 11 Opioid ReceptorsChapter 12 Retrograde MessengersPart Ⅳ Inhibitory Transmission and PlasticityChapter 13 Inhibitory TransmissionChapter 14 Plastic@of Inhibition;GABA/glycine SystemsPart Ⅴ Postsynaptic Signaling and Gene RegulationChapter 15 Protein Kinases and PhosphatasesChapter 16 Activity-dependent Gene Regulation: How Do SynapsesTalktotheNucleusand Fine-tune Neuronal OutputsChapter 17 Second Messenger Pathways in PainChapter 18 Genetic Approaches for the Study of PainPart Ⅵ Peripheral Nocieeptor,Amygdala and FearChapter 19 Peripheral NociceptorsChapter 20 Amygdala-Pain Processing and Pain ModulationChapter 21 Fear LearningPart Ⅶ Spinal Plasticity,Reorganization and Chronic PainChapter 22 Silent Glutamatergic Synapses and Long-term Facilitation in Spinal Dorsal Horn NeuronsChapter 24 Spinal Microglia in Neuropathic PainPlasticityPart Ⅷ Cortical Plasticity,Reorganization and AmputationChapter 25 ACC PlasticityChapter 26 Reorganization of the Sensorimotor System after InjuryPart Ⅸ Endogenous Analgesia and Other Form of AnalgesiaChapter 27 Endogenous Biphasic ModulationChapter 28 Paradoxical Analgesic and Hyperalgesic Efrects of StressChapter 29 Acupuncture AnalgesiaChapter 30 Mechanisms of Opioid TolerancePart Ⅹ Models for Studying Pain and Searching for Pain KillersChapter 31 Models in Pain ResearchChapter 32 Models for Studying Pain and Searching for Pain Killers in Vitro Electrophysiological Studies ofPainChapter 33 Whole-cell Patch-clamp Recording in VivoChapter 34 Basic Mechanisms of ClinicaUy Used DrugsSelected ReferencesAppendix Ⅰ Units in Pain ReaearchAppendix Ⅱ Useful Wlebsites for the Study of PainAppendix Ⅲ List of Scientific Journals Publishing Studies in PainAppendix Ⅳ Fundamental and Innovative Contribution to Understanding of Basic Mechanism of Pain,Analgesia and Persistent Pain



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