
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:沈素萍  页数:212  




Chapter 1 Economics and Politics  Supplementary readingChapter 2 The Evolution of Economic Ideas  Supplementary readingChapter 3 Introduction to Economics  Supplementary readingChapter 4 Introduction and Overview of Money and Finance  Supplementary readingChapter 5 The Evolution of the Payments System  Supplementary readingChapter 6 What Are Central Banks?  Supplementary readingChapter 7 The Federal Reserve System  Supplementary readingChapter 8 Commercial Banks: History of Banking  Supplementary readingChapter 9 Bank Management  Supplementary readingChapter 10 Financial Market  Supplementary readingChapter 11 The Investment Process  Supplementary readingChapter 12 Insurance  Supplementary readingChapter 13 Euro  Supplementary readingChapter 14 The Uruguay Round Subsidies Agreement  Supplementary readingAnswer KeyReference


  The establishment of central banks as lender of last resort has pushed theneed for their freedom from commercial banking. A commercial bank offers fundsto clients on a first come, first served basis. If the commercial bank does nothave enough liquidity to meet its clients demands (commercial banks typicallydo not hold reserves equal to the needs of the entire market), the commercialbank can turn to the central bank to borrow additional funds. This provides thesystem with stability in an objective way; central banks cannot favor any particu-lar commercial bank. As such, many central banks will hold commercial-bankreserves that are based on a ratio of each commercial batiks deposits. Thus, acentral bank may require all commercial banks to keep, for example, a 1:10. En-forcing a policy of commercial bank reserves functions as another means to con-trol money supply in the market. Not all central banks, however, require com-mercial banks to deposit reserves. The United Kingdom, for example, does nothave this policy while the United States does.  The rate at which commercial banks and other lending facilities can borrowshort-term funds from the central bank is called the discount rate (which is set bythe central bank and provides a base rate for interest rates). It has been arguedthat, for open market transactions to become more efficient, the discount rateshould keep the banks from perpetual borrowing, which would disrupt themarkets money supply and the central banks monetary policy. By borrowingtoo much, the commercial bank will be circulating more money in the system.Use of the discount rate can be restricted by making it unattractive when usedrepeatedly.


  《金融英语阅读》内容为商务英语金融阅读。《金融英语阅读》共14章,内容包括中央银行、美联储、政治与经济、经济学、国际金融、经济史、货币、金融市场、投资、商业银行的历史、商业银行管理、保险 、欧元 、经济法。每章配有词汇注释、短语注释、专业术语解释、知识背景介绍。练习包括对全文课文的理解、短语的理解填空、专业术语填空、专业翻译、短篇专业文章理解。每章配有金融时文辅助阅读,并配有相关的问题理解,以使学生通过课堂教学了解当前经济金融领域的最新变化。可供英语专业金融英语课和大学英语选修课使用。




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