
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:张民伦  页数:122  


  《英语听力教程1》是与《英语听力教程1〉》(Listen This Way)(第二版)相配套的教师参考书。主要内容包括每单元授课要点,学生用书中全部练习答案以及所有录音的文字材料。书后所附光盘是《英语听力教程1》全部练习的录音。


1 Can I Take a Message? (I)  Part I    Getting ready   Part II   Giving and receiving phone calls   Part III  I'd like to speak to ...   Part IV   More about the topic: A Birthday Present  Part V    Memory test: Two Girls Talking on the Phone    Part VI   Reminder of key points in this unit 2  Can I Take a Message?   Part I    Getting ready  Part II   Giving and receiving phone calls   Part III   Oh, there's a phone.  Part IV  More about the topic: Videophones Get the Call   Part V   Memory test: How to Make an International Direct Dialling   Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit  3  Clear or Cloudy?  Part I    Getting ready   Part II   A weather report    Part III   At a bus stop   Part IV   More about the topic: Effects of Climate Change   Part V   Memory test: Weather Forecast   Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit4  Can Time Move Backward?  Part I    Getting ready    Part II   Local time   Part III   Ladies and gentlemen    Part IV  More about the topic: Day-light-saving Time   Part V   Memory test: Radio Announcement    Part VI   Reminder of key points in this unit 5 Flying In and Out  Part I    Getting ready  Part II   Airport announcements   Part HI  A trip to the States    Part IV  More about tile topic: In-flight Service  Part V   Memory Test: Airline Information    Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit   6 By Bus or by Train?  Part I    Getting ready    Part II   At the railway station    Part III  Why are we waiting here?    Part IV  More about the topic: Grand Central Terminal    Part V   Memory test: Bus Information   Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit 7 This Way or That Way?  Part I    Getting ready    Part II   Giving directions   Part III  Route 66   Part IV  More about the topic: Automobiles in the USA   Part V   Memory test: Reading Maps   Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit 8  Cash or Cheque?  Part I    Getting ready   Part II   Using a bank account   Part III   Making phone calls to chase late payments  Part IV  More about the topic: Origins of Money   Part V   Memory test: Judy's Weekly Spending    Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit 9 Toward Better Health  Part I    Getting ready  Part II   Heart attack   Part III  Smoking kills   Part IV  More about the topic: Walking Toward Better Health   Part V   Memory test: Sleeping Problem    Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit  10  Are You Fit and Healthy?  Part I    Getting ready   Part II   Stress and catching colds      Part III   "So you wanna keep fit, huh?"  Part IV  More about the topic: Are You Fit and Healthy?  Part V   Memory test: How Much Exercise Is Enough Exercise?    Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit 11 The Interviewer's Eye  Part I    Getting ready   Part II   A good interview   Part III  The interviewer's eye    Part IV  More about the topic: Finding the Right Job    Part V   Memory test: Job Opening     Part VI  Reminder of key points in this unit 12 Review  Activity 1   Short conversations   Activity 2   Numbers  Activity 3   Announcements    Activity 4   Prices  Activity 5   Telephone messages  Activity 6   Addresses   Activity 7   Spot dictation






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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   因为是考试的指定用书所以要用
  •   还可以~纸质比较好。
  •   标准教师用书听力原文+答案就这样。
  •   发货速度挺快的,第二天就收到了,纸张质量挺好的
  •   教师用书和学生用书还是有一定区别的,不是想象的那么好!
  •   这本书很不错,会从最基础的开始一步一步提升,纸张不错,写起来很舒服~~
  •   书很好,很新,质量不错,不过发货有点慢哦
  •   因为旧书被画得满满的,没办法写,才会来买一本新的。没想到,里面纸质比学校发的好很多,大概是新版的原因吧?很满意,听力内容也很清晰。
  •   我是学生却用了教师用书。书是全英文,好在看得懂,对学习也有帮助。可能还是用学习用书比较好点吧
  •   辅修时老师推荐的书 很好的书
  •   书是很赞的~!只是我发现自己买错了~呜哈哈~
  •   速度很快啊 比新华书店网上买书快多了 质量也不错 第一次网上买 赞一个
  •   本来要学生用书,但教师用书上有各种注释,还行了
  •   因为有光盘,所以真的很好。但是因为不是为了抄答案,所以用尽一切办法写上自己的答案。书还是很好的。

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