
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:北京蓝色畅想图书发行有限公司(原高等教育出版社)  作者:张锷  页数:105  




1 Can I Take a Message? ( I )Part I Getting readyPart II Giving and receiving phone callsPart III Id like to speak to ...Part IV More about the topic: A Birthday PresentPart V Memory test: Two Girls Talking on the PhonePart VI Reminder of key points in this unit2 Can I Take a Message? ( II )Part I Getting readyPart II Giving and receiving phone callsPart III Oh, theres a phone.Part IV More about the topic: Videophones Get the CallPart V Memory test: How to Make an International Direct Dialling (IDD) CallPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit3 Clear or Cloudy?Part I Getting readyPart II A weather reportPart III At a bus stopPart IV More about the topic: Effects of Climate ChangePart V Memory test: Weather ForecastPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit4 Can Time Move Backward?Part I Getting readyPart II Local timePart III Ladies and gentlemenPart IV More about the topic: Day-light-saving TimePart V Memory test: Radio AnnouncementPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit5 Flying In and OutPart I Getting readyPart II Airport announcementsPart III A trip to the StatesPart IV More about the topic: In-flight ServicePart V Memory test: Airline InformationPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit6 By Bus or by Train?Part I Getting readyPart II At the railway stationPart III Why are we waiting here?Part IV More about the topic: Grand Central TerminalPart V Memory test: Bus InformationPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit7 This Way or That Way?Part I Getting readyPart II Giving directionsPart III Route 66 56Part IV More about the topic: Automobiles in the USAPart V Memory test: Reading MapsPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit8 Cash or Cheque?Part I Getting readyPart II Using a bank accountPart III Making phone calls to chase late paymentsPart IV More about the topic: Origins of MoneyPart V Memory test: Judys Weekly SpendingPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit9 Toward Better HealthPart I Getting readyPart II Heart attackPart III Smoking killsPart IV More about the topic: Walking Toward Better HealthPart V Memory test: Sleeping ProblemPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit10 Are You Fit and Healthy?Part I Getting readyPart II Stress and catching coldsPart III "So you wanna keep fit, huh?"Part IV More about the topic: Are You Fit and Healthy?Part V Memory test: How Much Exercise Is Enough Exercise?Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit11 The Interviewers EyePart I Getting readyPart II A good interviewPart III The interviewers eyePart IV More about the topic: Finding the Right JobPart V Memory test: Job OpeningPart VI Reminder of key points in this unit12 ReviewActivity 1 Short conversationsActivity 2 NumbersActivity 3 AnnouncementsActivity 4 PricesActivity 5 Telephone messagesActivity 6 AddressesActivity 7 Spot dictation






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  •   看起来很好啦,跟学校里订的一样。
  •   物流快
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  •   挺好的鹅
  •   就是做了没有答案啊。还得买教师用书
  •   看起来还行 挺不错的吧 很便宜

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