
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:姚保慧 编  页数:148  字数:260000  


  随着国际交流的日益频繁和迅猛发展,英语的口头表达和交际能力显得愈加重要。编者从事高校英语口语教学多年,深感对中国学生在英语口语技能训练方面,尚需进行更多层面的探索,教师不仅要帮助学生克服“张口难”的障碍,更需要把“注重口语表达”的教学原则置于一种现实而真实的文化背景和宽松而富有情趣的语言环境中去实施,以期学生掌握准确、流利而得体的英晤口语。根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的要求,我们借鉴国内外口语教学的成果,结合多年来的教学心得,编写了这套《英语口语教程》。《英语口语教程》问世8年来,得到愈来愈多的读者的支持和厚爱,这使编者在受到鼓舞之余,深感责任重大。此次修订,剔除了过时内容,弥补了不足,增加了新的篇章,就是为了不辜负广大读者的期望,力求使教材进一步完善。《英语口语教程》包括学生用书两册,供两学年使用。每册18个单元,每单元3~4学时。本教程还配有教师用书两册和课文录音带。本教程学生用书每单元包括四部分内容:1.Way to Speak:通过简短典型的对话示范性地展示语言功能的表达方法;2.Challenge to Speak:通过内容真实、形式多样、大练习量的语言技能训练,使学生熟练掌握已学过的语言表达法,并且勇于开口表达;3.TopictoDiscuss:通过中西文化对比,要求学生在具体社会语境中,准确、恰当地运用语言,提高语言的连贯表达能力;4.Fun to Speak:选用富有时代特征和多层而的学习素材,使学生在学习语言的同时,拓宽社会文化知识的层面,进一步提高学生学习兴趣。本书初版经夏祖煃教授和英籍专家Pat Adler审阅了书稿。高等教育出版社对本书的编写和出版倾注了大量的心血。在此,全体编者向他们表示最诚挚的感谢!经过本次修订,本教程质量进一步提高,但书中难免还存在不足之处,恳望批评指正。


  本书是一套以话题和功能为纲编写的口语教材。本教材力图把学生置于英语国家文化背景之中,充分发挥学生的听说能力,引导学生积极主动地进行口语学习。本教材内容覆盖面广,语言环境真实,情景意念生动有趣,语言范例标准地道,注意到不同场合的语言交际过程,强调全面的口语能力培养。  本书为《英语口语教程(第二版)》(学生用书)第二册,共有l8个单元,每单元包括Way to Speak,Challenge to Speak,Topic to Discuss,Fun to Speak。练习形式新颖,由易到难,循序渐进。  本教程共2册,配有教师用书和录音磁带,除供高等院校英语专业一、二年级、师专、教育学院、成人高校等英语专业使用外,还可以作为社会上具有一定英语基础的人员学习和提高英语口语的教材。


Unit 1 Possibility and Impossibility Ways of Traveling Part A: Way to Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: Inference A Gtrange CaseUnit 2 Concentration and InterruptionCustoms Inspection, Customs Declaration Part A: Wayto Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: Role Play /Have Nothingto DeclareUnit 3 Interest and Boredom Sightseeing in the UK Part A: Way to Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss  Part D: Fun to Speak: Role Play Let's GtayatHomeUnit 4 Insisting and Urging Sightseeing in the US Part A: Way to Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: Questionnaire Op/n/ons andAtt/tudesUnit 5 Reassuring and Persuading Hotel Reservations Part A: Way to Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: Two-in-One Stories The Loan The Burg~atUnit 6 Condition and Concession Business Negotiations Part A: Way to Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: QuestionnaireUnit 7 Deducing and Concluding Body Language Part A:, Wayto Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: Deduction Puzzles The LawyersUnit 8 Obligation and Necessity Environmental Protection Part A: Way to Speak Part B." Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: Inference Recych'ngUnit 9 Defining and Exemplifying British English and American English Part A: Way to Speak Part B: Challenge to Speak Part C: Topic to Discuss Part D: Fun to Speak: Humor Dog FoodThree-Item Story


  A: I cant make up my mind about taking the summer training course on computer.B: I would take it if I were you. Itll be a great help for you to find a job after graduation.A: Thats absolutely true, but then I would need to study for long hours for three weeks and I just dont know if Ive got the time.B: Yes, I know its not easy, but I really think you should take it. And Im sure a person as clever as you are will do very well. Whats more, youve already got some idea about the hardware1. I dont think it will take up so much time!A: Oh, do you really think so?B: Yes, Ido.A: Well, that sounds reasonable to me. Ill take your advice. Thank you.B: You are more than welcome.A: Do you like it?B: Yes, its really nice!A: Then, come on! Buy it.B: Oh, I dont know. Its terribly expensive.A: Please think it over. its not that expensive. Its not an ordinary watch. It can talk.B: Thats just why I like it.A: On the other hand, it can be used as an alarm clock. You will never be late for work.B: Do you really think so?A: Yes. It will prove most serviceable.B: Well, its very nice of you to say so. But Im not really convinced. And its much too dear.




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  •   为了商务英语,就买咯
  •   自己在店里没有买到,到当当了,书比较快,物流服务很好,满意
  •   我很喜欢这本书,因为我喜欢英语,更加喜欢口语,这本书实实在在的教了我们很多东西,我非常喜欢,以后还会再买的··
  •   帮同学买的,插本用的,还好!!
  •   英语双学位教材
  •   没什么特别之处,感觉十分一般!

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