
出版时间:2006-2-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:刘乃银  页数:308  字数:510000  


  《英语泛读教程》系受国家教育部委托编写的教材,供高等学校英语专业一、二年使用,亦适用于同等程度的英语自学者。教材旨在提高学生英语阅读理解能力,扩大英语词汇量,并且掌握基本的阅读技巧。  本教材编写的主要特点是:  一、阅读材料题材广泛,涉及英语国家社会、政治、经济、文化等方面;内容新颖,注意收入反映近年来社会进步和科学技术发展的文章;注重趣味性,体裁多样。  二、突破传统教材课文篇幅太短的局限,阅读量明显加大。课文长度从第一册的1 200词增加到第四册的2 400词。  三、注重培养学生快速、准确、有效地获取信息的能力,把握文章中心思想,重点训练  学生见“树”亦见“林”的能力。  《英语泛读教程》全套共4册。每册15个单元,按阅读材料的内容和难度编排。本册每单元分为三部分。第一部分为阅读课文及练习,练习包括判断课文中心思想、阅读理解、课堂讨论和词汇练习。第二部分为快速阅读练习,提供三篇短文,要求在规定的时间内完成。第三部分为课外阅读,提供和课文长度相当的语言材料,配有阅读理解和思考题。书后附有练习答案,供教师和学生参考。  本册教材编写过程中曾有多位教师参加,在此谨表谢意。本套教材的一部分曾在华东师范大学英语系试用,有关教师和同学给予了热情的支持。华东师范大学美籍教师Mr.Glen Chesnut仔细阅读了教材,提出修改意见。复旦大学孙骊教授、高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会委员秦秀白教授、大学英语专业课程指导委员会委员王蔷教授、湖北黄冈师范学院蓝葆春教授和河南新乡师范学院郭爱先副教授也对本教材提出了宝贵的意见,谨在此一并表示感谢。由于编者的水平和经验的限制,错误和缺点在所难免,欢迎读者批评指正。


《英语泛读教程》全套共4册。每册15个单元,按阅读材料的内容和难度编排。本册每单元分为三部分。第一部分为阅读课文及练习,练习包括判断课文中心思想、阅读理解、课堂讨论和词汇练习。第二部分为快速阅读练习,提供三篇短文,要求在规定的时间内完成。第三部分为课外阅读,提供和课文长度相当的语言材料,配有阅读理解和思考题。书后附有练习答案,供教师和学生参考。  本书是其中的第四册,可供高等学校英语专业一、二年级使用,亦适用于同等程度的英语自学者。


Unit 1 1 Text Genius and the Craftsman 2 Testing Fsst Reading 3 Home Reading Reading: Basic PrinciplesUnit 2 1 Text The Population Surprise 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading “Suppose the Whole World...”Unit 3 1 Text Food Fight 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading A Dinner @ Margaret’sUnit 4 1 Text The 20th Century Time 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Albert EinsteinUnit 5 1 Text Toy Story 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Watch and LearnUnit 6 1 Text Revision Time Goes Online 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Teach Yourself the LotUnit 7 1 Text Postmortem with Strings 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Pay Attenition, RoverUnit8 1 Text The Life of Samuel Johnson 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry HuxleyUnit 9 1 Text The Archaeologist Who Wouldn’t Dig 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading HistoryUnit 10 1 Text Is Weather Getting Worse 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Basic InstinctUnit 11 1 Text Personal Names 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Wine in American LifeUnit 12 1 Text Why People Work 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading WorkingUnit 13 1 Text Happiness (I) 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Happiness (II)Unit 14 1 TextThe American Scholar (I) 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading The American Scholar (II)Unit 15 1 TextThe Chrysanthemums 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading How Soon Can I Leave?Sources of Reading Materials


  Dogged focus  By combining attention tests with brain scanning techniques in normal people, and in peoplewith brain damage due to strokes and bullets, neurobiologists have identified which bits of thebrain are activated when a person pays attention. Others have investigated what happens to theability of a rodent or a monkey to focus when parts of their brains are lesioned, or when they aregiven drugs that block or enhance the effect of different neurotransmitters.  Gradually a coherent picture is emerging. Several areas in the brains prefrontal cortex9 areespecially important for attentional processing. Trevor Robins, an experiment psychologist at theUniversity of Cambridge, explains that in humans "when a task gets difficult, the anterior cingulategyrus10 [in the frontal lobe of the brain] seems to work overtime". The prefrontal cortex receivesand sends inputs to most of the rest of the cortex which, among other tasks, processes visual andauditory information and language. But the prefrontal cortex alone is responsible for "executive"functions such as strategic planning and the allocation of cognitive resources.


  《英语泛读教程4(第2版)》高等教育出版社出版发行。  汇集国内一流专家,融合多年教学经验,倡导现代学习理念,提供教学解决方案。




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