
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:刘乃银  页数:301  字数:510000  


《英语泛读教程》系受教育部委托编写的教材,供高等学校英语专业一、二年级使用,亦适用于同等程度的英语自学者。    全套教材共4册。本书为第三册,共15个单元,每单元一般分为四部分:第一部分为阅读课文及练习,练习包括判断课文中心思想、阅读理解、课堂讨论题和词汇练习;第二部分为阅读技巧,重点介绍报纸杂志等阅读技能,并配有相应的练习,第三部分为快速阅读练习,提供3篇短文,要求在规定的时间内完成;第四部分为课外阅读,提供和课文长度相当的语言材料,配有阅读理解和思考题。    第二版版删去了旧版的部分内容,根据难易程度进行了调整,增加了新的阅读材料,题材更加广泛,更具有时代感。


UNIT 1 1 Text Invented Words 2 Reading Skills Newspapers and Headines 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading A History of EnglishUNIT 2 1 Text The English Reserve and Politeness 2 Reading Skills Understanding Headline Vocabulary 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading The American CharacterUNIT 3 1 Text Bursting the Magic Bubble 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading What Is So Funny About Humor?UNIT 4 1 Text Seeking Steady Arm to Lean On 2 Reading Skills The Newspaper Lead 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading Helping Save the World from Bird FluUNIT 5 1 Text It's Tough at the Top 2 Reading Skills Reading the News Story 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading Visions on IceUNIT 6 1 Text Right Drug,Wrong Patient 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Counter DrugsUNIT 7 1 Text A Room of One's Own 2 Reading Skills Reading the Feature Story in a Newspaper 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading Aptitude AplentyUNIT 8 1 Text Anti-Smoking Role Playing 2 Reading Skills Popular Magazines and Magazine Articles 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading What Most Smokers Don't KnowUNIT 9 1 Text Are Dreams as Vital as Sleep? 2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading Mind Over TimeUNIT 10 1 Text The Credibility Principle 2 Reading Skills Reading Advertisements 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading Nurture Your NatureUNIT 11 1 Text Nonverbal Communication 2 Reading Skills Reading Instructions 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading Your Actions Speak LouderUNIT 12 1 Text Why Are You So Smart?  2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading The Different Ways of Being SmartUNIT 13 1 Text Morals,Apes and Us 2 Reading Skills Reading Scholoarly Writing 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading Pepperberg's ParrotsUNIT 14 1 Text Thre Days to See 2 Reading Skills Reading the Administrative 3 Testing Fast Reading 4 Home Reading BeethovenUNIT 15 1 Text How Do You Know It's Good?  2 Testing Fast Reading 3 Home Reading How We Listen to MusicSources of Reading Materials


  汇集国内一流专家,融合多年教学经验,倡导现代学习理念,提供教学解决方案。  本书主要高等学校英语专业一、二年级使用,亦适用于同等程度的英语自学者。相较于其他英语教材,本教材有如下几点特点:一、阅读材料题材广泛,涉及英语国家社会、政治、经济、文化等方面;内容新颖,注意收入反映近年来社会进步和科学技术发展的文章;注重趣味性,文体多样。二、突破传统教材课文篇幅太短的局限,阅读量明显加大。三、注重培养学生快速、准确、有效地获取信息的能力,把握文本中心思想,重点训练学生见“树”亦见“林”的能力。




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