
出版时间:2008-2  出版社:蓝色畅想  作者:徐平  页数:165  




Unit One Famous PeoplePassage 1 "Mother" of Harry PotterPassage 2 The World's First Woman DoctorUnit Two CustomsPassage 1 British CustomsPassage 2 The Story of St. Nicholas (The Original Santa Claus)Unit Three Your Body InsidePassage 1 How Do You Look Inside?( I )Passage 2 How Do You Look Inside?( II )Unit Four Health and ExercisePassage 1 Everyday Activities Are Good for Your HealthPassage 2 Walking for Exercise: Improve Your HealthUnit Five Natural WorldPassage 1 Animal CamouflagePassage 2 Why Leaves Are GreenUnit Six Job Hunting and Getting a JobPassage 1 Job InterviewPassage 2 The Best Way to Success Is Hard WorkUnit Seven Holidays and FestivalsPassage 1 Some Holidays in the U.SPassage 2 Saint Valentine's DayUnit Eight Cities and CountriesPassage 1 CanadaPassage 2 Statue of LibertyUnit Nine Youth ActivitiesPassage 1 4-HPassage 2 Individual Projects of the 4-H MembersUnit Ten Social RelationsPassage 1 Making FriendsPassage 2 Chuck's FriendUnit Eleven Education and EntertainmentPassage 1 Australia: Homeschooled ChildrenPassage 2 "9 · 11" Looks Just Like a MovieUnit Twelve Doctors and DiseasesPassage 1 U.S. Looks Abroad for NursesPassage 2 Risky BusinessUnit Thirteen Climate and WeatherPassage 1 Climate Is ChangingPassage 2 You Can Make a DifferenceUnit Fourteen Environment and ProtectionPassage 1 Controlling the WeatherPassage 2 WaterUnit Fifteen Science and DevelopmentPassage 1 The Happy Space ShuttlePassage 2 Hearing MagicAppendix I Key to ExercisesAppendix II Glossary



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