
出版时间:2005-11  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:彭朝林主编  页数:256  


  随着经济的全球化和中国加入WTO,中国越来越走向国际化。越来越多的中国企业走出国门,从事国际贸易,到海外进行直接投资;越来越多的外资企业也来中国投资设厂。在这种经济全球化的背景下,培养能用外语从事国际商务的人才是高校刻不容缓的任务。双语教学因此在许多高校悄然兴起。可是各个本、专科及高等职业院校都面临缺乏适合本、专科层次及适应中国国情的英文版商务教材。本教材的面世正好填补了国内适合本、专科及高职高专学生使用的英文版市场营销教材的空白。  本教材的编写是由广东省教育厅牵头,与英国文化委员会合作开发而成,是广东省高校实施的中英合作项目——新世纪广东省高等教育教学改革工作项目的成果之一。该教材因为引进了英国国家职业资格证书体系(NVQ)的先进理念,结合了中国社会与职业的实际需要,所以是一本充分体现中国特色、中国风格的优秀教材。它以全新的体例开创了我国高职商务英语专业教材编写的先河,首次创建了评估与教学融为一体的教学模式,史无前例地将评估作为核心贯穿着整个以学生为中心的教学过程并将传统的与现代的评估进行有机的整合从而形成了适合国内商务英语专业课程,符合当前高职高专教育实际的有特色的评估标准和明确的评估体系。  本教材具有以下特点:  1.按照英国NVQ教学理念进行编写。体现“以学生为中心”,注重过程评估;  2.按照教学流程进行编写。本教材提供了教学大纲,报告模板,专业术语解释,每章提供教学目的,中间穿插各种问题、活动、任务和小案例等,章节后提供项目练习和评估标准,既适用于教师教学,又适合学生自学。




Chapter One Introduction to MarketingChapter Two The Marketing EnvironmentChapter Three Marketing MixChapter Four Consumer Buying BehaviorChapter Five Market Information and Marketing ResearchChapter Six Market Segmentation and PositioningChapter Seven International Market EntryChapter Eight Service MarketingChapter Nine Green MarketingChapter Ten Marketing Communications MixChapter Eleven Marketing Plan,Control and AuditChapter Twelve Sun Tze’S Art of Warfare and MarketingAppendix Ⅰ SyllabusAppendix Ⅱ Model ReportAppendix Ⅲ Mini Dictionary of MarketingBibliography


  1.1.2Demand States and Marketing Tasks  Negative demand  This means customers do not like some products or service in the market.For example, some customers do not take plane for fear of risks, or dare notbuy clothes made of fiber, for they think the fiber contains something that willdo harm to their health. The task of management is to find out why customersdont like these products, and to carry out more active sales promotion to thetargeted customers by redesigning the products, lowering the prices, or to try tochange the customers beliefs on the products and service, such as eliciting thelow possibility of accidents in plane journeys and unharmlessness of fiberclothing to health. More positive promotion can change peoples beliefs andattitudes.  No demand  This means the customers in a target market have no interest in or nevercare for the product. For example, people in some African countries have thecustom of walking barefoot, needing no shoes. What the marketers should do isto create demands, to combine the benefit of the products with peoples naturaldemands and interest through effective promotion.



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