
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:北京蓝色畅想图书发行有限公司(原高等教育出版社)  作者:科默  页数:369  






Douglas Comer博士在计算机系统领域有着广泛的知识背景,而且一直从事着软件和硬件的教学与研究工作。Comer在软件方面的研究工作横跨计算机系统的各个领域,包括编译器和操作系统。他构建过一个完整的操作系统,包括进程管理器、内存管理器以及串行接口和并行接口的设备驱动程序。Comer也为常规计算机和网络处理器编写过网络协议软件和网络设备驱动程序。他开发的操作系统Xinu和TCP/IP协议栈已经被应用于商业产品中。 Comer的硬件工作经验包括设计离散元件、逻辑门电路以及基本的硅工艺经验。他已经编写了几本畅销的关于网络处理器体系结构的教材。在贝尔实验室,Comer研究过USSI设计并设计了一种VLSI芯片。 Comer是普度大学计算机科学系的著名教授,他致力于计算机系统结构、操作系统、网络和Internet方面的开发、教学和研究。Comer建立了几个创新实验室,使得学生可以建立和测试各种系统,例如操作系统和IP路由器;Comer的所有课程都包括实验。他还不断地在世界各地的大学、工业界和会议上进行咨询和演讲。 除了编写一系列享誉世界的计算机操作系统、网络、TCP/IP和计算机技术等方面的书籍外,Comer还兼任Software:Practice and Experience杂志的主编。他是ACM成员、普度大学教学学会成员,获得过无数嘉奖,其中包括USENIX终身成就奖(USENIXLifetime Achievement Awed)。


PrefaceChapter I Introduction And Overview 1.1 The Importance Of Architecture  1.2 Learning The Essentials  1.3 Organization Of The Text  1.4 What We Will Omit  1.5 Terminology: Architecture And Design 1.6 Summary PART 1 Basics Chapter 2 Fundamentals Of Digital Logic  2.1 Introduction   2.2 Electrical Terminology: Voltage And Current   2.3 The Transistor   2.4 Logic Gates   2.5 Symbols Used For Gates   2.6 Construction Of Gates From Transistors   2.7 Example lnterconnection Of Gates   2.8 Multiple Gates Per Integrated Circuit   2.9 The Need For More Than Combinatorial Circuits   2.10 Circuits That Maintain State   2.11 Transition Diagrams   2.12 Binary Counters   2.13 Clocks And Sequences   2.14 The Important Concept Of Feedback   2.15 Starting A Sequence   2.16 Iteration In Software Vs. Replication In Hardware   2.17 Gate And Chip Minimization   2.18 Using Spare Gates   2.19 Power Distribution And Heat Dissipation   2.20 Timing   2.21 Physical Size And Process Technologies   2.22 Circuit Boards And Layers   2.23 Levels Of Abstraction   2.24 Summary  Chapter 3 Data And Program Representation  3.1 Introduction   3.2 Digital Logic And Abstraction   3.3 Bits And Bytes   3.4 Byte Size And Possible Values   3.5 Binary Arithmetic   3.6 Hexadecimal Notation   3.7 Notation For Hexadecimal And Binary Constants   3.8 Character Sets   3.9 Unicode   3.10 Unsigned Integers, Overflow, And Underflow   3.11 Numbering Bits And Bytes   3.12 Signed Integers   3.13 An Example Of Two's Complement Numbers   3.14 Sign Extension   3.15 Floating Point   3.16 Special Values   3.17 Range Of lEEE Floating Point Values   3.18 Data Aggregates   3.19 Program Representation   3.20 Summary PART 2 ProcessorsPART 3 Memories


插图:The important point is that moving up the levels of abstraction allows US to hidemore details and talk about larger and larger pieces without giving internal details.When we describe processors,for example,we can consider how a processor workswithout examining the internal structure at the level of gates or transistors.An important consequence of abstraction arises in the diagrams architects and en.gineers use to describe digital systems.As we have seen,schematic diagrams canrepresent the interconnection of transistors,resistors,and diodes.Diagrams call also beused to represent an interconnection among gates.In later chapters,we will use high-level diagrams that represent the interconnection of processors and memory systems.Insuch diagrams,a small rectangular box will represent a processor or a memory withoutshowing the interconnection of gates.When looking at an architectural diagram,it willbe important to understand the level of abstraction,and to remember that a single itemin a high.1evel diagram Can correspond to an arbitrarily large number of gates.2.24 SummaryDigital logic refers to the pieces of hardware used to construct digital systems suchas computers.As we have seen,Boolean algebra is an important tool in digital circuitdesign;there is a direct relationship between Boolean functions and the gates used toimplement combinatorial digital circuits.We have also seen that Boolean logic valuesCan be described using truth tables.A clock is a straightforward mechanism that emits pulses at regular intervals.Aclock allows a digital circuit to change without requiring inputs to change,and can beused to provide synchronization among muldple parts of a circuit.Although we think of digital logic from a mathematical point of view,buildingpractical circuits involves understanding the underlying hardware details。In particular,besides basic correctness,engineers must contend with problems of power distribution,heat dissipation,and clock skew.






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