
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:沈爱珍 编  页数:199  字数:300000  


《新编商务英语听力(1~4)(学生用书)》为“新编商务英语系列丛书” 之一。旨在通过由浅入深、由易至难渐进式的听力技能训练,逐步提高学生的听力水平。全书共分15个单元以及期中、期末两套测试题,每个单元由5 个部分组成,内容涉及日常生活及各种商务活动。本丛书适用于商务英语专业的学生。本书另配有教师用书及录音磁带。


Unit 1 Part I   A. Brokers   B. A Product Manager Part II   A. Relationships with Different Kinds of People   B. Relationships Between the Employees Part III   A. Accountant   B. flow to Be a Successful Businessman  Part IV  The World of HumorUnit 2 Part  I   A. Contract Law and Warranty   B. Trademark, Patent and Agency Law Part II   A. Talking About the Contract   B. Court Orders Redress in Unfair firing Case Part III   A. flow fo Claim Damages   B. Hire a Personal Lawyer Part  IV  The World of HumorUnit 3 Part I   A. Partnership   B. Corporate Chains Part II   A. Join the Business Partnership   B. Creating a Winning Business Partnership Parr III   A. Which One Is More Profitable?   B. Joint Venture Parr IV  The World of HumorUnit 4 Parl I   A. Corporalions   B. Transnafional Corporafions Pait II   A. Types of Business Organizations (I)   B. Types of Business Organizations (II) Parr III   A. Business Pratice   B. Workers' Role Parr IV  The World of HumorUnit 5 Parr I   A.Managemenf   B. The Modern Corporafion Parr II   A. Expo Shows Mobile Tech   B. Alcatel Eyes Phone stake Parr III   A. U.S. Airlines to Offer Internef   B. The Need for a stateagic Plan Part IV  The World of HumorUnit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Test 2



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