
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:中等职业学校职业英语教材编写组 编  页数:243  字数:300000  


  教材简介  随着我国职业教育教学改革的不断深化,教育部对职业教育提出了新任务和新要求,强调职业教育应向其本质回归,即以岗位需求为职业教育的出发点和终点,在教学中重点培养学生的工作技能,使学生在学习中不断积累经验。因此,中等职业教育人才培养模式也在随之发生变化,中等职业教育正在真正担负起为生产、服务一线培养具有综合职业素质的技能型人才这一重要任务。在这一新时期,中等职业教育英语教学环境也发生了很大的变化。根据“就业导向”、“能力本位”等新的职教办学理念,针对中职学生的实际状况,依据教育部和信息产业部颁布的《中等职业学校计算机应用与软件技术专业领域技能型紧缺人才培养培训指导方案》,我们编写了低起点的“计算机英语”立体化教材。  “计算机英语”立体化教材包括:  《职业英语系列——计算机英语》:共16个单元;  与教材配套的录音带:由美籍专业人士朗读录制而成;  多媒体学习课件:补充教材内容,提供丰富的联机互动活动,以方便学生自主学习;  电子教案:供教师备课与课堂讲解用;  网络课程:基于教学资源库的立体化教学环境,为教学全过程提供支持与服务。  本教材可作为中等职业学校低起点的计算机应用与软件技术专业英语教学用书,也可供计算机爱好者自学使用。教学内容由低起点开始,由浅入深,循序渐进,语言生动活泼,话题与学生生活及未来工作岗位息息相关,同时配备了大量的精美图片与图示说明。模块化的教学内容适于“分层教学”,本书的教学课时为60到80学时,教师可酌情增减教学内容,灵活地组织、安排教学活动。  编写思想与特点  本套教材在编写过程中广泛征求了中等职业教育英语教研人员和教师们的意见,汇集了国内优秀教师的教学实践经验,符合目前企业对英语人才培养的实际需求。


本书根据教育部“就业导向”、“能力本位”等新的职教办学理念编写而成。    本书突出基础性、专业性、实用性。本书共16单元,每单元包括热身活动、听说、阅读、阅读练习、注释、知识扩展、词汇练习、语法、趣味英语、自我评估表等10部分。书后附有各单元词汇表。本书可作为中等职业学校低起点的计算机应用与软件技术专业英语教学用书,也可供计算机爱好者自学使用。    本书版式精美,图文并茂,融知识性、趣味性为一体。本书配有录音磁带、电子教案及多媒体学习课件等。


Chapter 1 What Is a Computer? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Types of Computers Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 2 What Is Hardware? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Different Parts of a Computer Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 3 How to Use Hardware? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Keyboard Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice rammar Game Self-checklistChapter 4 What Is Software? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Software Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 5 What Are the Basic Skills Needed? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Basic Skills Needed to Use a Computer Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 6 How to Use Word Processing Software? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  How to Use Word Processors? Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 7 How to Use Spreadsheets? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  An ID Ten T Error Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 8 How to Use a Database? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Ways of Storing Data Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 9 How to Use PowerPoint? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Heaven or Hell? Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 10 How to Use Desktop Publishing Software? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  E-books and E-paper Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 11 What Do People Use Computers for? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Computers' Effects upon Our Lives Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 12 What Is a Network? Look and Learn Dialogues TeXt  How Are Network Components Connected? Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 13 What Is the Internet? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  The Internet Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 14 How to Use the Internet? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Email Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 15 What Are Some Important Issues? Look and Learn Dialogues Text  Computer Viruses Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklistChapter 16 Future Computers Look and Learn Text  Future Computers Reading Practice Notes Do You Know? Word Practice Grammar Game Self-checklist各单元词汇表


  2.表演艺术家的表演活动、录音制品和广播有关的权利(指版权的邻接权);  3.在一切领域创造性活动产生的与发明有关的权利(指专利权);  4.与发现有关的权利;  5.与工业品外观设计有关的权利;  6.与商品商标、服务商标、商号及其他商业标记有关的权利;  7.与防止不正当竞争有关的权利;  8.一切来自工业、科学及文学艺术领域的智力创作活动所产生的权利。世界贸易组织(WTO)《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》对“知识产权”的范围作了以下定义:  1.版权与邻接权;  2.商标权;  3.地理标志权;  4.工业品外观设计权;  5.专利权;  6.集成电路布图设计权;  7.未披露过的信息(商业秘密)专有权。  Do You Know?  防火墙  用于将因特网的子网与因特网的其余部分相隔离,以达到网络和信息安全效果的软件或硬件设施。防火墙可以被安装在一个单独的路由器中,用来过滤不想要的信息包,也可以被安装在路由器和主机中,发挥更大的网络安全保护作用。防火墙被广泛用来让用户在一个安全屏障后接入互联网,还被用来把一家企业的公共网络服务器和企业内部网络隔开。另外,防火墙还可以被用来保护企业内部网络某一个部分的安全。防火墙只允许授权信息通过,而防火墙本身不能被渗透。



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