
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:高等教育  作者:王桂珍  页数:246  字数:450000  


  《英语语音教程》作为教育部普通高等教育“九五”国家级重点教材于2000年出版以来,己被许多高校英语专业选用并受到欢迎。2002年本教程的第二版被列为教育部“十五”国家级规划教材,并于2003年在高等教育出版社“高等教育百门精品课程”教材建设规划中立项。《英语语音教程》(第二版)根据第一版在教学中使用的经验和反馈意见进行修订,进一步强化了教程原有的特点,同时在教学内容和结构体例上进行了调整,使教程的教学重点更加突出,教学方法更加灵活,教学内容更具时代性,以求达到更好的教学效果。同时,《英语语音教程网络课程》(教育部“新世纪网络课程建设工程”项目)的配套使用将为本课程的教学改革提供更广阔的空间,使英语语音课程能够帮助学生学习并掌握英语语音语调,作为提高学生英语听力和口语表达的切入点,促使学生学会使用恰当的英语语音语调进行有效交际。  《英语语音教程》(第二版)坚持既定的教学指导思想,在原有的基础上进行了调整与更新。教程的修订主要围绕以下几个方面进行。


《英语语音教程》(第二版)是为高等学校英语专业学生编写的英语语音教材,同时适合师范专科、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高校英语专业及相当水平的英语学习者。通过该教程的学习,学生可以掌握正确的英语发音,提高英语的听辨能力,学会使用得体的英语语音语调表达思想,以达到有效交际的目的。    全书共15个单元。第1单元介绍英语的音节、重音与节奏的要领。其余14个单元按训练的侧重点分为三大部分:第2~7单元重点是英语的辅音与元音;第8~12单元重点学习英语的节奏规律;第13~15单元介绍英语语调的种类、结构、功能和使用。每单元由5部分组成:语音知识简介、昕辨和发音训练、重音和语流感知训练、听力和模仿训练、巩固和活用语音语调知识的交际练习等。    本教程配有网络课程和教学磁带。


List of English Phonetic Symbols &SignsPretestUnit 1 Basic Concepts:Syllables,Stress&Rhythm  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 2 Consonants:Stops  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 3 Consonnants:Fricatives and Affricates  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 4 Conconats:Nasals,Approximants&Lateral(s)  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 5 Vowels:Front Vowels&Central Vowels  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 6 Vowels:Back Vowels  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 7 Vowels:Diphthongs  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 8 Stressed Syllables&Untressed Syllables  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 9 Strssed Words&Unstressed Words in a Sentence  Introduction  Litening&Speaking Exercises  Listening for Information &Imitation  Pronunciation in CommunicationUnit 10 Strong Forms &Weak FormsUnit 11 LinkingUnit 12 Rhythm of English SpeechUnit 13 Types of Intonation in EnglishUnit 14 Intonation Units of EnglishUnit 15 Funcitons&Uses of English IntonationRevisionTestAnswer KeysMouth Diagrams of the English Consonants课文要点Further Reading


  6. It is coming back soon.  7. That was all.  8. They were all there.  9. The cakes are awful.  10. They were afraid of him.  11. When are they leaving?  12. Theyre afraid of him.  13. Will they be able to do it?  14. Do you know all the words?  15. What does he do on Sunday?  16. What time does it start?  17. Where were the boys last night?  18. He was late last night.  19. It was snowing the whole morning.  20. They were all out.






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