出版时间:2005-7 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:《畅通英语》改编组 页数:169 字数:380000
为了深入贯彻《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》,进一步落实教育部等7部门《关于进一步加强职业教育工作的若干意见》,全面实施《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》,推动职教教材多样化发展,教育部制定了《2004-2007年职业教育教材开发编写计划》。计划内的教材出版后将向全国职业学校推荐选用。 《畅通英语》系列教材是上述教材开发编写计划中的一种,是在英国MM出版公司2003年出版的Channel your English的基础上改编而成的。本套教材既保留了原版教材新颖的教学设计模式和先进的教学理念,又结合国内高职高专英语教学的实际,增编了适量的辅教辅学内容和练习。本套教材可供五年制和三年制高职高专学生使用。 《畅通英语》以真实的交际型语言活动为基础,按照语言表达的难易程度分级编写,注重语言应用能力培养。从初级到中高级的英语学习全过程都有效地整合了听、说、读、写、译5种语言技能训练。该书布局系统全面、科学合理,将功能、语法、词汇、语音和跨文化交际技能尽收其中,利于教师按照语言学习和应用的规律有效地安排教学内容与进度,既提高学习者兴趣,又锻炼学习者能力,使所学内容与涉外交流、人际交往的真实话题和场景紧密结合,反复强化,达到学、练、用合一的理想效果。 本套教材的特点主要体现在如下几个方面: 教材内容贴近日常生活,真实生动,丰富有趣。学习者在生动的多元文化环境中学习语言,掌握技能。教材中阅读文章题材广泛,如不同国家的节日介绍、中国属相介绍、心理测试、神秘的UFO等;题材大多是学习者感兴趣的话题,如学习工作、休闲娱乐、求职指导、服饰打扮、饮食喜好、旅游探险、真诚友谊等。教材话题内容全面,覆盖诸多领域,如科技、网络、文化、社会、人物、经济、文摘、广告、说明等,使学习者在不同场合能够充分感知语言环境,掌握语言技能,加以强化操练,便可表达自如。 体现语言的人际、意念、语篇三大功能,实用性强。各单元的对话体现了许多常用的人际交往表达和意念功能,如介绍与陈述、赞同与反对、问题与解决方案、给予与获取、需求与允诺、推理与预测等。阅读与写作文体多样实用,主要介绍应用文体,如广告、人物、景点、论文、信件等。另外,以话题为中心归纳、学习、使用和积累词汇,也是本书的一大特色。
《畅通英语》是教育部规划并推荐的五年制高职高专英语教材。本套教材是在英国MM出版公司2003年出版的Channel your English的基础上,由国内英语教学专家和教师改编而成的。本套教材也可供三年制高职高专院校选用。 本书为《高级教程》,共包括15个单元(每3个单元后有1个复习单元),每单元包括3课内容:第1课注重词汇、会话、语法的学习和练习 ,第2课注重阅读和听力的综合训练。第3课注重口语和写作的综合训练。 书后附有语法一览表、提示一览表、生词表和词组表。
01 Been around the world?02 Rewind03 Eureka!04 Fast forward05 Your cup of tea?06 Guilty a s charged07 Mother Nature08 Let the fun begin!09 Dig in!10 Our four-legged friends11 What s up Doc?12 Where the heart is 13 Art works14 On the couch15 Stop to shop Grammar referenceTipsGlossaryUseful expressions
VACCINES Before vaccines were first introduced in the early 18th century, hundreds of people died of deadly diseases such as chickenpox and smallpox. Dr Edward Jenner discovered this revolutionary way of preventing illness when he injected a child with a weakened strain of smallpox and saved the childs life. The development of vaccines was a major breakthrough in worldwide disease prevention. However, there are still a number of deadly diseases that people wish vaccinations could prevent. X-RAYS Up until the late 19th century, a sprained ankle or a broken arm could only be diagnosed by means of physical examination. It was W. Roetgen who first demonstrated the power of X-rays in 1895. This important innovation made its way into routine care a few years later and made the diagnosing of internal problems easier, safer and less painful for patients. All those scientists, who put their hearts and souls into research, took imaging technology one step further with the development of ultrasound and CAT scan, which now help to diagnose diseases early. ASPIRIN Did you know that if aspirin didnt exist today, people would probably still be trying to treat fevers with willow tree compounds? Thats right! In 400 BC Hippocrates, the Greek physician regarded as the Father of Medicine, recommended a tea made from willow leaves for the treatment of fevers, aches and pains. Years later, scientists discovered that it was salicylic acid - a substance found in willow trees - which actually relieved pain and reduced fever. Aspirin was perfected in 1897. Nowadays, aspirin is the most widely used painkiller in the world; 100 billion doses are consumed each year! ANTIBIOTICS It all happened quite by accident, when Alexander Fleming discovered that mould had killed bacteria in a lab dish he had forgotten to clean. To refine and grow the mould was a difficult process. However, he could not turn a blind eye to the fact that these particular bacteria were responsible for the loss of many human lives at the time, so he decided to do some research. When he presented his findings, nobody took notice of the potential benefits. Other medical professionals took over Flemings research but their work was cut short for a number of reasons. Eventually, the first antibiotics were developed, which was a major medical achievement. The truth is that if antibiotics did not exist today, even a common cold could kill us.