
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:杨敏芳 编  页数:215  字数:300000  




UNIT 1 About Prison  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice   Part 3 Reading and Practice     Text A A Brief Introduction of Prison     Text B Life in Prison UNIT 2 Prison Reform  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice   Part 3 Reading and Practice     Texl A Evaluations of Criminals in Accordance with the Law     Text B Prison Administration UNIT 3 Prison Adminlstration  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice   Part 3 Reading and Practice     Text A Reform of Criminals through Labor     Text B Legal,Moral,Cultural and Technical Education Of Criminals UNIT 4 Privilege of Inmates  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice  Part 3 Reading and Practice     Text A The Rights of Criminals    Text B Visitation UNIT 5 Psychological Correction of Prisoners  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice   Part 3 Reading and Practice    Text A Psychotherapy in China"S Prison     Text B Psychological Effects of ImprisonmentUNIT 6 The Criminal law Enforcement  Part 1 Listening and Practice  Part 2 Speaking and Practice  Part 3 Reading and Practice    Text A Parole    Text B Sentence Reduction UNIT 7 Foreign Prisoners  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice  Part 3 Reading and Practice     Text A Foreign Prisoner     Text B ExtraditionUNIT 8 Treatment on Foreign Prisoners  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice   Part 3 Reading and Practice    Text A Treatment on Foreign Prisoners     Text B Release and Resettlement UNIT 9 The American Prison system  Part 1 Listening and Practice   Part 2 Speaking and Practice   Part 3 Reading and Practice     Text A Correctional Officers     Text B The Death Penalty in America UNIT 10 The Layer  Part 1 Listening and Practice  Part 2 Speaking and Practice  Part 3 Reading and Practice     Text A Lawyer and Legal Assistance     Texl B The InternationaIization of China"S Legal Services Market Tapescripts Key to Exercises References



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