
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:蓝色畅想  作者:《英语综合练习5  页数:239  


  《英语5》和《英语6》是为由专科升入本科的学生编写的一套英语教程。经过数年的使用,受到了广大师生和读者的欢迎。他们热切地希望编配一套与本教程相匹配的供学生自主学习的教程。这就是《英语综合练习5》和《英语综合练习6》出版的前提。既然是为配套自主学习编写的教材,故其编写原则和编排设计均与《英语5》和《英语6》完全相同,只是特别注意使学习过程更加便于学生自主学习、自主训练、自主评估。  这套自主学习教程和《英语5》和《英语6》一样,贯彻“既注意打好英语语言基础,又注意培养学生实际使用英语进行涉外交际能力”的学用结合的编写原则,同时还与《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中四级的要求相衔接。  《英语综合练习5》共10个单元,每个单元分为“阅读”、“应用文套写”、“听与说”、“语法要点”和“快乐学习”5个部分。“阅读”部分又分为“实用阅读”和“阅读欣赏”两类,前者体现实用性和交际性,后者的选文则注重文体的多样性和可欣赏性。  “应用文套写”选用涉外交际应用文,根据所给的样例训练学生理解和套写有关英语应用文的能力;“听与说”是本套教程的重要组成部分,其中“说”突出口语涉外交际的实用需要,而“听”则注重适当拓宽听力训练的范围;“语法要点”运用正误对比的方式,对这些语法难点进行了归纳和专项练习;“快乐学习”则是为了调节学习气氛,同时帮助学生学习欣赏幽默英语。本书还编有两套大学英语四级考试模拟试题,供学生作阶段性的自我综合检测使用。  为了便于教学和自学,《英语综合练习5》和《英语综合练习6》的词汇起点都是《英语4》的词汇终点。更为了便于自主学习,书后都提供了所有练习的参考答案和课文的参考译文。  总之,本套教材是为专升本的学生编写的一套极富特色的新教程,构思独特,编排新颖,比较合理地体现了“专升本”英语教学的特色。




Unit 1 3amous People 1Reading 1Practical reading JeffBezosReading for appreciation The First Laay 5Writing Opening Address 7Listening and Speaking 9Grammar Focus Past Perfect Tense 12Merry Learning 13Unit 2 Knowledge Economy14Reading 14Practical reading The Internet Economy 14Reading for appreciation Dream Machines 19Writing Closing Speech 20Listening and Speaking 22Grammar Focus Future Perfect Tense 27Merry Learning 28Unit 3 Internet cInd Our Cives 29Reading 29Practical reading Internet Messaging 29Reading for appreciation Cyber Begging 33Writing jP70ast 35Listening and Speaking 37Grammar Focus Passive Infinitives 42Merry Learning 42Unit 4 eomputer erimes43Reading 43Practical reading Who Are the Hackers?43Reading for apprecition Be Your Own Cyber Watchdog 47Writing Reply to the Toast 49Listening and Speaking 51Grammar Focus Passive V-ing Form 54Merry Learning 55Unit 5 Sightseeing in Macao 56Reading 56Practical reading Architecture in Macao 56Reading for appreciation Hello,Macao 61Writing Letter ofIntroduction 61Listening and Speaking 64Grammar Focus Subjunctive Mood(I)68Merry Learning 69MoodelTest 1 70Unit 6 Multicultural(~ommunication 80Reading 80Practical reading Friendship Amedcan Style 80Reading for appreciation Upset with Someone or Some~ing?85Writing Letter of Congratulations 87Listening and Speaking 89Grammar Focus Subjuncave Mood(II)92Merry Learning 93Unit 7 Man and lature 94Reading 94Practical reading Animal Attraction 94Reading for appreciation A Wing and a Prayer 98Writing Schedules 100Listening and Speaking 101Grammar Focus Agreement ofSubject and Verb(I)105Merry Learning 106Unit 8 3amous ehinese Scenic Spots 107Reading 107Practical reading Scaling Mt.Tai 107Reading for appreciation The Great Wall of China 1 1 1Writing Company Prospectus 113Listening and Speaking 115Grammar Focus Agreement ofSubject and veIj,(1I)119Merry Learning 120Unit 9 EnvironmentAwareness 121Reading 121Practical reading Environmental Countdown 121Reading for appreci~ion The Man Who Planted Trees 126Writing Public Service Ads 128Listening and Speaking 130Grammar Focus Comparative Degree ofAdjectives 134Merry Learning 135Unit 10 My3avorite Product 136Reading 136Practical reading Nokia 136Reading for appreciation Flea Market Shopping 141Writing Product Advertisement 142Listening and Speaking 144Grammar Focus Superlative Degree ofAdjectives 148Merry Learning 149Model Test2 150Kegs&Translations 160Vocabulary phrases 219


  An automobile revolution IS coming our way.Twenty years from now.an e-mail from your car may wake you up.“You have carpool duty today!”As you walk outside to your car,you rind your carpoolbuddies ready togo.You open the doors with your key,and they pile into the back.By thetime you get to the driver’s seat,your companions have downloaded adigital file of music,put their favorite TV show on the passenger viewscreens,turned on the AC,and started surfing the news sites on the web.The engine,which is an electric model,is so quiet that you can barely feela vibration.All other systems boot up automatically,except for your AutoPC,which is on a1l the time.!t received updated copies 0f the report thatyou were working on last night so that you can check it on your way intothe office.  You put on your seatbelt and disengage the hand brake.The carstarts to back up but suddenly stops.When you open the door,you seethat your neighbods three.year.old daughter had fallen by your bumper.Thank goodness for your cars Obstacle Detection System!You wouldhave never seen her and could easily have run her over!On the road.your Global Positioning System(GPS)provides a color-coded map flash-ing red for roadwork,purple for accidents,and sky blue for clear sailing.Ifyou mistakenly drive into a traffic jam,your PC will politely offer you analternative route.if anyone in your carpool missed breakfast.the PC canlook for a drive.up restaurant where the lines are shorter.



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