
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:张春柏 编  页数:397  


  《商务英语写作(1)、(2)》自2000年8月初版以来,在不少学校使用了多轮,广大专家读者对本书提出了不少宝贵的批评和建议。这些批评和建议,集中到一点,就是本书的语言有些偏难,学生不易理解。据此,我们对本书进行了修订。  《新编商务英语写作(1)》的体例基本上没有什么变化。所作的改变可用“一减一增”来概括。“一减”是减掉了原来较为晦涩难懂的说明和例句,而增加的则是少量中文译文和说明以及一些与商务有关的内容。但是,限于初版的框架,没有对本书做伤筋动骨的“改造”。所以,本书远没有改到“面目全非”的地步。  本教材的教学目标也没有改变,所以,教师可以按既定的教学计划实施教学。相信本新编版能更加切近高等职业学校、高等专科学校和成人高等学校英语专业的实际,更加方便广大师生的教学。当然,由于种种限制,本书远远没有达到理想的程度。事实上,任何修订都可能引起新的问题。因此,我们热切地希望广大专家和读者能对本书提出新的批评和建议,以便我们进一步改进。




Unit 1 Use of Words  1 Types of Words  2 Use of Proper Words in Proper Places  3 Further-13ps for the Selection of Words  4 Formation of English Words  Exercises Unit 2 The Making of Sentences  1 Basic Elements 0f a Sentence  2 Types of Sentences  3 Effective Sentences  Exercises Unit 3 Writing Effective Sentences  1 Coordination  2 Subordination  3 Variety 0f Sentence Patterns  Exercises Unit 4 The Paragraph(1):The Major Elements of a Good Paragraph  1 Unity  2 Coherence  3 Focus  4 Completeness  5 Brevity  Exercises Unit 5 The Paragraph(2):The Paragraph Structure and Types  1 Three Parts of the Paragraph  2 Types of Pragraphs ExercisesUnit 6 The Paragraph(3):The Development of the Paragraph  1 Planning a Paragraph  2 Developing a Paragraph by-Iqme  3 Developing a Paragraph by Space  4 Developing a Paragraph by Process  5 Developing a Paragraph by Citing Statistics  6 Developing a Paragraph by Comparison and Contrast  7 Developing a Paragraph by Exemplification  8 Developing a Paragraph by Cause and Effect  9 Development by Definition  10 Development by Classification  Exercises Unit 7 The Basic Steps of Writing an Essay  1 Getting Started and Selecting a Topic  2 Narrowing Down the Topic and Writing a Thesis Statement  3 Outlining  4 Writing the First Draft  5 Revising and Editing  Exercises Unit 8 Narration  1 Definition  2 Basic Elements of Narration  3 Types of Narration  4 Tips for Narrative Writing  Exercises Unit 9 Description Unit 10 Exposition (1):Definition Unit 11 Exposition(2):Unit 12 Exposition (3):Illustration Unit 13 Ixposition(4):Comparison and Contrast Unit 14 Exposition(5):Cause and Effect Unit 15 Argumentation Unit 16 Practical Writing(1):Unit 17 Practical Writing(2):Unit 18 Summary Writing Unit 19 Figures of Speech Unit 20 Punctuation Keys


  I still remember the day when I first came to the college. Being a boy of 17,I was longing for a new life as a college student but at the same time, I had noidea what college life would be like.  That morning when the bus carried me to the gate of the college, I was soexcited that my heart was beating so fast it seemed as if it would leap out of mymouth. From then on, I would be a student of this college. After registration, agroup of students and I were led by an instructor to the dormitory, where, forthe first time, we were going to live without parents but with roommates. I was soclumsy that I did not know how to make the bed and fix the mosquito net.  In the afternoon, I took a walk around the campus together wth myroommates. To think of studying in such a beautiful place made me feel quiteproud of myself. As we ware walking along, talking and laughing, yelled, "Oh,look at those freshmen!" It was our middle-school students look that gave usaway. We continued our tour of the college, inspecting every building and everygarden until the sun began to set.  In the evening, we sat together, talking about the past and the future. Weware so excited that no one wanted to go to bed.  It was half past six, high time for our New Years Dinner. All the familygathered round the table, except for my mother who was busy cooking. She hadpromised earlier there would be twenty dishes for the Dinner this year. At lastshe came out from the kitchen, glowing with delight. "Lets begin !" said father,taking up his chopsticks. Plow delicious the dishes ware! Everyone praised andthanked mother.  After dinner, we were seated before the TV set. Jiang Kun, the well-knowncomic, presided over that nights programme, which was so exciting that eachperformance won warm applause from the audience. Particularly I appreciatedthe Chinese folk songs presented by some overseas singers.



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  •   不错的书,是老师说的教材,内容讲的也不错,印刷很好,纸张比想象中的要软一些,不过这也不是什么问题。
  •   质量很好,内容虽然没详细看,不过大概浏览了一下,感觉很不错。
  •   教材不错,收货也很快

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