
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:吴小英  页数:156  


《涉外护理英语综合教程》是《涉外护理英语》系列教程的组成部分,供五年制高职涉外护理专业英语教学使用,也可供广大英语爱好者和医护人员作为学习英语的辅助读物。    《涉外护理英语综合教程》共分8册。前4册是为涉外护理专业学生编写的基础英语教材。教材的结构和内容取材基于本书使用者的现有英语水平和他们未来将使用目标语的环境的需求。因此本册教材的编写坚持“以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度”的原则。教材内容涉及面广,包括科技发展、全球信息、现代生活、自然环境、人文地理、文学艺术和有关医学等方面的内容。通过本教材的学习,学生不仅能学到语言知识和语言技能,而且还能使学生逐步建立良好的语言学习习惯,扩大他们的知识面,让学生初步体验到适应不同文化环境时所需要的一些生存技能,培养他们良好的道德观以及在工作和研究中与人诚信合作与创新的意识。    本教材依据《高职高专教育——英语课程教学基本要求》(教育部高等教育司)、《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)以及《上海中小学英语课程标准》(草案)编写。第1册主要是复习初中学过的语法知识,第2册到第4册完成高中阶段有关的语法知识的学习和语言技巧的训练。每册15个单元。从第2册开始,第15单元为复习课。学生在两年内完成4册教材的学习。


Unit One Text Student’S Daily Life in America  Grammar一般现在时和现在进行时  Guided Writing基本句型(1)  More Reading Input    (A)An American House    (B)Transportation in AmericaUnit Two Text Mother’S Medical Bills  Grammar一般过去时和过去进行时  Guided Writing基本句型(2)  More Reading Input    (A)How to Fill out an Insurance Application Form    (B)What Is Intelligence?Unit Three Text The Doctor and His Reward  Grammar现在完成时和过去完成时  Guided Writing基本句型(3)  More Reading Input    (A)Supermarkets    (B)Interesting TreesUnit Four Text Visiting a Doctor  Grammar一般将来时和过去将来时  Guided Writing陈述句  More Reading Input    (A)Choosing A Family Doctor    (B)My Son and TVUnit Five Text Paper and Its Use  Grammar一般现在时的被动语态和一般将来时的被动语态  Guided Writing疑问句  More Reading Input    (A)Your Teeth    (B)Tips on Air TravelUnit Six Text The Louvre  Grammar现在完成时的被动语态和一般过去时的被动语态  Guided Writing祈使句和感叹句  More Reading Input    (A)The Leaning Tower of Pisa    (B)Old Cremona ViolinsUnit Seven Text Paris  Grammar形容词和副词  Guided Writing简单句复习  More Reading Input    (A)Dreams    (B)TPA—A New DrugUnit Eight Text Columbus and His Discovery  Grammar形容词和副词的比较级和最高级  Guided Writing复合句(1)  More Reading Input    (A)A Superstar    (B)How Safe Is Aspirin?Unit Nine Text How to Make Friends with the Students?  Grammar动词不定式(1)  Guided Writing改变句型(1)  More Reading Input    (A)Keeping Money Safe    (B)Why Checks Are Safer Than Cash……


  On school days, students get up at 7 : 00 a.m. They wash their face andeat a breakfast of eggs, ham or bacon, toast and a glass of milk. Sometimesthey might eat pancakes with fruit. The simplest breakfast is a bowl of driedcereal with fruit and milk.  Then they dress, brush their teeth, comb their hair, put their books in abackpack, and go to school. Nearly all the students take a yellow school bus.Very few ride bikes. When they arrive at 8 : 30 a. m., they meet their friendsand talk about their activities. They put their backpack in a locker and take justone book, a tablet and a pencil to each class.  In lower middle school, their classes are English writing, stories, andpoetry, maths, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education and Health, musicand art.  At noon, the students eat lunch at school. The usual lunch must have meat,vegetable, fruit, bread, and a drink. However, students prefer pizza, hotdogs, and hamburgers with a drink. After the meal, American children like tohave a small piece of cake or a cookie.  Students do not have a short sleep in the afternoon. After lunch, they arehaving their lessons until 3 oclock. They take classes for six hours each day andthen return home.  Parents allow their children to play or watch TV until supper at six in theevening. After supper, they do their homework. Sometimes there is a familyactivity where children can be with both parents after dinner.



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