
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《实用交际英语》教材编写组 编  页数:197  


  《实用交际英语(学学·练练·考考)》(Practical English for Communication-Students Companion)是与《实用交际英语》主教材同步的学生自主学习用书。本书紧扣《实用交际英语》各单元的教学内容,力求巩固和扩展主教材所设计的听、说、读、译、写等语言技能和词汇、语法等语言知识与用法的学习和训练。本书的编排模式也与《实用交际英语》主教材基本相同,且二者互相配合照应。因此《学学·练练·考考》是配合主教材供学生自主学习的好伴侣。为了充分体现便于自学的特点,《学学·练练·考考》特别作了如下编排:  1.阅读文章的生词都旁注在课文的右侧,便于学生进行独立阅读;  2.每课都加编了相应的Data Bank,为主教材中的相关练习提供辅助资料,这对提高学生独立运用英语语言的能力十分有益,同时还可以作为学生的参考性资料;  3.在“句子写作”部分,各册加编了相关语法和写作知识的归纳小结,不仅为学生提供了训练中所需要的语言材料,而且帮助学生系统地归纳整理所学语言知识,从而更有效地在实践中使用语言;  4.每册加编了2套模拟考题,分别模拟高等学校英语应用能力考试B级和A级,这既便于学生自我检测,又便于衡量自己是否达到《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》中所规定的程度。  综上所述,《学学·练练·考考》是学好《实用交际英语》必备的重要辅学材料,它可以帮助学生复习所学内容,扩大练习园地,开拓知识视野,提高学习兴趣。将主教材和自主训练材料很好地配合使用,一定会取得事半功倍的效果。


  《实用交际英语业务教程学学·练练·考考)》为《实用交际英语业务教程》的学生用书《学学·练练·考考》,每个单元都由“说”、“听”、“读”和“写”4部分组成,另有一个“趣味欣赏”部分。《实用交际英语业务教程学学·练练·考考》提供了两套“自测试题”,同时书后附有“练习答案及参考译文”以及生词表。《实用交际英语业务教程学学·练练·考考》配有录音带。  《实用交际英语》系列教材是在教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会组织编写的推荐教材《新编实用英语》的基础上,根据两年制教学时间短、职业指向性强的特点精心设计、调整编写的。本套教材以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》为参照,坚定不移地摆脱了“本科压缩型”模式,坚持“实用为主,够用为度,应用为目的”的大方向,强调听、说、读、写、译各项技能的协调发展。


1 TIMETABLES AND SCHEDULESSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeQuality TimeSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun2 INVITATIONSSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeDont Arrive Too Late or Too EarlySection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun3 COMMUNICATION BY PHONESection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeA Cat with a Phone NumberSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun4 MAKING RESERVATIONSSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeLost and Found Items Perplex the Hotel TradeSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun5 APPLYING FOR A JOBSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeMy First JobSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun6 MANAGERS AND CEOSSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeA "Rags-to-riches" CEOSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun7 PROMOTING ACTIVITIESSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeMarketing:Key to Producing BestsellersSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun8 A COMPANY PROSPECTUSSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeA Perfectly Fair Business DealSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun9 PURCHASE AND PAYMENTSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeMY Shopping ExperiencesSection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some Fun10 TRAINING AND LEARNINGSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyeMy Study-abroad Experience at Lancaster UniversitySection 4 Trying Your HandHaving Some FunSELF-ASSESSMENTKEYS &TBANSLATIONS


  It was hard to do all of this in my little flat,and SO I was forced to orient myself to the studios.My professors assigned me to the art technician,Rob,who oriented me to the building and its facilities and provided me with assistance when necessary.Rob showed me how to work independently in the print shop and in the photography lab.I began to work in both facilities without any assistance.Gradually I got accustomed to my surroundings,and came and went as I pleased with great ease.  A study-abroad experience provides the individual with wonderful personal,academic and career benefits.I feel that my artwork and knowledge of art history developed a great deal because of my studies there.I learned innovative techniques in both photography and printmaking,and learned how to conduct self-directed research. In addition,I became independent in my artwork,orientation and mobility,daily living skills and ability to travel.I gained a great deal of confidence in my abilities to adapt and succeed on my own. This gave me a greater sense of my identity,purpose andspirituality. Furthermore,I obtained a tremendous amount of insight about the British culture and how to interact with all types of people. Finally,I made life-long friend-ships and wonderful memories to last a lifetime. My time at Lancaster University Was an experience I will treasure always.



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