出版时间:2004-7 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:本社 页数:95
《实用英语》是一套供高职高专英语课程使用的教材。自1 995年正式出版发行以来,它所坚持的内容的实用性、教学的针对性和编写教材的科学性受到了使用者的热烈欢迎。广大师生把它看作是我国专科层次英语教学自己的教材。与此同时,他们本着爱护和培育这块英语教学园地的精神,希望《实用英语》在发扬其优点的同时,能及时对其存在的不足进行适当的修订,使之更加完善,更加符合当前高职高专层次英语教学的需要。为此,我们根据近年来广大师生提出的改进意见,再次对《实用英语》的《综合教程》、 《教师参考书》、 《泛读教程》和《综合训练与自测》进行了修订。与此同时,我们还把原(《实用业务英语》纳入到《实用英语》的体系中来,变成《实用英语》的第四册,并在新修订的《实用英语泛读教程》前3册的基础上新编了《泛读教程》第四册,从而使这次改编的《实用英语》成为一套既含基础英语又含业务英语的实用英语教程。 《泛读教程》第四册与《实用英语综合教程》第四册配套使用,分8个单元,每个单元由两篇文章组成。文章A(Passage A)为重点泛读材料,供课堂上使用,文章B(PaSsage B)供学生课后独立完成。全书选文既注意了与《综合教程》的配合,又体现了多样化,内容涉及经商之道、消费者权益保护、版权保护、自我领导能力测试、现代管理理念、毕业实习、合同阅读、外国专家在华工作经历与体会等。本书选材的标准是注重趣味性与知识性的结合,兼顾文理工各专业。书末附有阅读文章中出现的所有生词、常用表达法及专有名词,并用中英文进行了注释。为了培养学生查阅字典的能力,在词汇表的编排中,我们给出多种词义,供学生查阅、选择、判断词汇在文章中的具体含义。我们相信,以上安排将会有利于扩大学生的阅读量,提高学生的阅读能力。 《泛读教程))第四册总主编为大连理工大学孔庆炎教授,主编为长春工程学院安晓灿教授和北京交通大学包兰宇副教授。1、2单元由长春工程学院景志华教授编写,3、4单元由北京交通大学包兰宇副教授编写,5、6单元由沈阳工程学院刘然教授编写,7、8单元由长春工程学院安晓灿教授编写。 为了使《实用英语》不断完善,编者希望使用本书的教师和学生在使用过程中继续提出宝贵意见。
1 Passage A: Keys to SuccessPassage B: Letters to the Boss from Employees2 Passage A: Small Business, Big ExperiencePassage B: 20-Something —— Have Degree, Wont Travel3 Passage A: Virtual MannersPassage B: The Life of an Executive4 Passage A: US Police to Get Free Cars That Carry AdsPassage B: A Thief from Within5 Passage A: The Leadership Self TestPassage B: How to Be More Assertive6 Passage A: Consumers ProtectedPassage B: Reading a Contract7 Passage A: When Someone Steals Your IdeasPassage B: No Competition Allowed?8 Passage A: My Working Experiences in ChinaPassage B: Youd Better Shop AroundGlossaryPhrases and ExpressionsKey to the Exercises
With seven children of his own, Dad knew how trying a viSitto a barber could be for kids. Thats why he installed an old carousel horse next to the barber chair. A kid couldsit on the horse, grab hold of the plastic pommel and imagine he was Roy Rogers while Dad clipped. The boys in our town grew up thinking that having a haircut was synonym0us With gettinga pony ride. Dad kept a slew of good magazines and comics to read and an old soda machine in back. For a dime you could get a Coke or a root beer and cool off while you waited. Folks debated sports and complained about the weather. People congregated at Bobs Barbershop as much for the company as the cuts. Then came the late 1960s. Dad never imagined what a cultural revolution would do to hairstyles. But suddenly men didnt want their hair cut short any more and kids of my age didnt want it cut at all. Business slowed to a standstill. Dad didnt want to change his job. "ItS what I know best," he said. "And t like being my own boss." So at the age of 46, after a quarter of century of hands-on experience, he swallowed his pride and went back to barber school. He learned new cuts and how to style a mans hair with a blow dryer. He set up a sleek and new establishment at the mall, with music and modern chrome chairs. Now the sign in front said: Mr. Vs Style Bar. But the shop still operated bn the principie that the customer comes first.