
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:高等教育出版社图书发行部(兰色畅想)  作者:纽南 编  页数:342  


  根据教育部“大学英语教学改革”的精神《大学英语课程要求》提出要培养“学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力”,这其中包含了一些教学理念和教学模式的创新。要达到大学英语教学改革的预期效果,教师是十分关键的因素。大学英语教学改革的实践者是在教学第一线的广大英语教师,因此,针对目前我国大学英语教学师资短缺等问题,加强大学英语师资培训是摆在我们面前的一项刻不容缓的任务。为此,高等教育出版社引进出版了《体验教育教学》。  《体验英语教学》是由15位世界级的ESL/EFL专家合作编写。其中部分专家致力于亚洲英语语言研究教学,积累了多年的丰富经验。本书综述了语言教学的关键,并着重阐述了实用的技巧和方法,从推荐技巧、推荐语言和巩固学习过程三个方面进行了实例分析,推荐操作性极强。  此书中含有大量学生英语学习的实例,其中不免有学生所犯的各种错误,如果您在阅读此书的过程中发现了诸如语法、拼写等错误,这不是由编写者和编辑的疏忽造成的,而是编写者把这些错误“原计原味”地呈现了出来。  《体验英语教学》充分体现了体验式的教育理念,配合教育部“大学英语教学改革”推荐教材《大学体验英语》立体化系列教材及学习系统而出版,目的在于推荐新的教学理念,完成教学理念向教学实践的转化。  近期我社将出版一系列为师范类学生、英语教师和英语研究者使用的英语语言教学丛书。我们由衷地希望这些教材的出版,对各高等院校的英语教学有所促进和帮助。


  《体验英语教学》专为将要从事英语教学的学习者编写, 适合于英语专业的师生使用。 它综合的阐述了语言教学的关键,并且着重阐述了实用的技巧和方法。 《体验英语教学》含盖了三个部分,编著者从探索技巧、探索语言、巩固学习过程三个方面阐述了《体验英语教学》的理论和方法。 《体验英语教学》联合了十五位世界级的英语语言教学专家,正由于这是一本联合编写的合集,它不代表一人之观点,而是联合众位专家之所长。而且,《体验英语教学》中提供了辅助的《体验英语教学》籍,文章,网站,帮助师生获取最时新的信息。


Section OneExploring skillsChapter 1 Methodology - David NunanChapter 2 Listening - Marc HelgesenChapter 3 Speaking - Kathleen M. BaileyChapter 4 Reading - Neil AndersonChapter 5 Writing - Maggie SokolikSection TwoExploring languageChapter 6 Pronunciation -John MurphyChapter 7 Vocabulary - I.S.R NationChapter 8 Grammar - David NunanChapter 9 Discourse - Michael McCarthy and Steve WalshSection ThreeSupporting the learning processChapter 10 Content-based instruction - Donna BrintonChapter 11 Coursebooks - Kathleen GravesChapter 12 Computer-assisted language learning - Ken BeattyChapter 13 Learning styles and strategies - Mary Ann ChristisonChapter 14 Learner autonomy in the classroom - Phil BensonChapter 15 Classroom-based assessment - Geoff BrindleyGlossaryIndexCredits


  Vision and purpose  Practical English Language Teaching is designed for the practicing teacher who may or may not have had formal training in teaching English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL). Methodology texts currently available make too many assumptions about the background knowledge of their readership. The authors of the chapters in this book keep such assumptions to a minimum. This is not to say that the concepts underlying the chapters are dealt with in a trivial manner. Rather they are given an accessible treatment which is richly supported by teaching materials and ideas, and illustrative extracts from a wide range of classrooms.  Practical English Language Teaching consists of three sections: Exploring skills, Exploring language, and Supporting the learning process. The first main section, Exploring skills, begins with an introductory chapter that defines and illustrates the concept of methodology. The next four chapters introduce the four key "macroskills" of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In the second section, Exploring language, we look at language from a somewhat different perspective. Here the chapters are organized in terms of the different systems that make up the language: the sound system, the vocabulary system, the grammatical system, and the discourse system which shows how language itself is organized and reflects the communicative purposes that bring it into existence in the first place. The final section, Supporting the learning process, looks at some of the ways in which the learning process can be supported - through teaching styles and strategies, effective use of commercial coursebooks, and by a variety of other means.  Practical English Language Teaching brings together the work of 15 world-class specialists in ESL/EFL. The value of publishing an edited collection, rather that a single-authored volume, is that we have been able to draw on the knowledge and experience of the top specialists in our field.  One of the problems with most edited collections is that they are uneven in terms of their treatment and approach, and in terms of the assumptions that they make about the reader. This collection has a degree of coherence unusual in edited collections. The coherence has been achieved through a clear chapter-by-chapter framework, and the use of detailed writing guidelines.  The length of each chapter has been controlled for accessibility. Each chapter could have been a book in its own right. However, we wanted to present readers with the essentials in terms of conceptual background, theory, and research. These provide the basis for a series of key teaching principles which are illustrated with pedagogical materials and authentic classroom extracts.



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