
出版时间:2004-6  出版社:高等教育  作者:本社  页数:366  


本书是宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院副教授Karl T. Ulrich和麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院教授Steven D. Eppinger 合作编写的一本有关产品开发设计的教科书。本书将市场研究、工业设计、生产制造三方面有机地贯穿为一体,为产品的设计与开发提供了一条清晰而完整的思路,对全面理解产品的设计与开发的过程有十分重要的意义。书中的每一种理论和方法均有具体的实例来加以说明,使原来枯燥乏味的理论阐述变得生动而自然。本书在2000年修订版的基础上,增加了第13章强化设计和第14章专利和知识产权,使之更为完善。本书内容包括:开发程序与组织、产品规划、甄别消费者需求、产品规格说明、概念生成、概念选择、概念测试、产品构造、工业设计、制造工艺设计、原型化、强化设计、专利和知识产权、产品开发经济分析、项目管理等。本书可作为工业设计专业产品开发设计课程的教材,也可作为MBA和设计管理方向研究生的教材。


Chapter 1 Introduction   Characteristics of Successful Product Development  Who Designs and Develops Products?  Duration and Cost of Product Development  The Challenges of Product Development  Approach fo This Book  References and Bibliography  Exercises  Thought QuestionChapter 2 Development Processes and Organizations   A Generic Development Process  Concept Development:The Front-End Process  Adapting the Generic Product Development Process  Product Development Process Flows  The AMF Development Process  Product Development Organizations  The AMF Organization  Summary  References and Bibliography  Exercises  Thought QuestionsChapter 3 Product Planning   The Product Planning Process  Step 1:Identify Opportunities  Step 2:Evaluate and Prioritize Projects  Step 3:Allocate Resources and Plan Timing  Step 4:Complete Pre-Project Planning  Step 5:Reflect on the Results and the Process  Summary  References and Bibliorgraphy  Exercises  Thought Questions ……Chapter 4 Identifying Customer Needs Chapter 5 Product Specifications Chapter 6 Concept Generation Chapter 7 Concept Selection Chapter 8 Concept Testing Chapter 9 Product Architecture Chapter 10 Industrial Design Chapter 11 Design for Manufacturing Chapter 12 Prototyping Chapter 13 Robust Design  Chapter 14 Patents and Intellectual Property  Chapter 15 Product Development Economics Chapter 16 Managing ProjectsAppendixDesign Structure Matrix ExampleIndex




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