出版时间:2004-1 出版社:高等教育 作者:Finney;Weir; Giordano
在我国已经加入WT0、经济全球化的今天,为适应当前我国高校各类创新人才培养的需要,大力推进教育部倡导的双语教学,配合教育部实施的“高等学校教学质量-9教学改革工程”和“精品课程”建设的需要,高等教育出版社有计划、大规模地开展了海外优秀数学类系列教材的引进工作。 高等教育出版社和Pearson Education,John Wiley&Sons,McGraw-Hill,Thomson Learnin9等国外出版公司进行了广泛接触,经国外出版公司的推荐并在国内专家的协助下,提交弓I进版权总数100余种。收到样书后,我们聘请了国内高校一线教师、专家、学者参与这些原版教材的评介工作,并参考国内相关专业的课程设置和教学实际情况,从中遴选出了这套优秀教材组织出版。 这批教材普遍具有以下特点:(1)基本上是近3年出版的,在国际上被广泛使用,在同类教材中具有相当的权威性;(2)高版次,历经多年教学实践检验,内容翔实准确、反映时代要求;(3)各种教学资源配套整齐,为师生提供了极大的便利;(4)插图精美、丰富,图文并茂,与正文相辅相成;(5)语言简练、流畅、可读性强,比较适合非英语国家的学生阅读。
作者:(美国)芬尼 (美国)韦尔 (美国)吉尔当诺 编者:芬尼
To the InstructorTo the StudentP Preliminaries 1 Lines 2 Functions and Graphs 3 Exponential Functions 4 Inverse Functions and Logarithms 5 Trigonometric Functions and Their Inverses 6 Parametric Equations 7 Modeling Change QUESTIONS TO GUIDE YOUR REVIEW PRACTICE EXERCISES ADDITIONAL EXERCISES: THEORY, EXAMPLES, APPLICATIONS1 Limits and Continuity 1.1 Rates of Change and Limits _ _ 1.2 Finding Limits and One-Sided Limits 1.3 Limits Involving Infinity 1.4 Continuity 1.5 Tangent Lines QUESTIONS TO GUIDE YOUR REVIEW PRACTICE EXERCISES ADDITIONAL EXERCISES: THEORY, EXAMPLES, APPLICATIONS2 Derivatives 2.1 The Derivative as a Function 2.2 The Derivative as a Rate of Change 2.3 Derivatives of Products, Quotients, and Negative Powers 2.4 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 2.5 The Chain Ruleand Parametric Equations 2.6 Implicit Differentiation 2.7 Related Rates QUESTIONS TO GUIDE YOUR REVIEW PRACTICE EXERCISES ADDITIONAL EXERCISES: THEORY, EXAMPLES, APPLICATIONS3 Applications of Derivatives 3.1 Extreme Values of Functions 3.2 The Mean Value Theorem and Differential Equations 3.3 The Shape of a Graph 3.4 Graphical Solutions of Autonomous Differential Equations 3.5 Modeling and Optimization 3.6 Linearization and Differentials 3.7 Newton's Method QUESTIONS TO GUIDE YOUR REVIEW PRACTICE EXERCISES ADDITIONAL EXERCISES: THEORY, EXAMPLES, APPLICATIONS4 Integration 4.1 Indefinite Integrals, Differential Equations, and Modeling 4.2 Integral Rules; Integration by Substitution 4.3 Estimating with Finite Sums 4.4 Riemann Sumsand Definite Integrals 4.5 The Mean Value and Fundamental Theorems 4.6 Substitution in Definite Integrals 4.7 Numerical Integration QUESTIONS TO GUIDE YOUR REVIEW PRACTICE EXERCISES ADDITIONAL EXERCISES: THEORY, EXAMPLES, APPLICATIONS5 Applications of Integrals 5.1 Volumes by Slicing and Rotation About an Axis 5.2 Modeling Volume Using Cylindrical Shells 5.3 Lengths of Plane Curves 5.4 Springs, Pumping, and Lifting……6 Transcendental Functions and Differential Equations7 Integration Techniques, L'Hopital's Rule and Improper Integrals8 Infinite Series9 Vectors in the Plane and Polar Functions10 Vectors and motion in Space11 Multivariable Functions and Their Derivatives12 Multiple Integrals13 Integration in Vector FieldsAppendicesAnswersIndexA Brief Table of Integrals