
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:张维友 编  页数:157  




Unit 1 Global WarmingUnit 2 Language and SilenceUnit 3 British Educational TraditionUnlt 4 SnaresUnit 5 British Youth CultureUnit 6 The Labour Market in BritainUnit 7 About FaceUnit 8 DisastersUnit 9 HistoryUnit 10 Book ReviewsUnit 11 DiseaseUnit 12 Writing on the HoofUnit 13 SportsUnit 14 Law and Justice……


  UNIT 1 Global Warming  greenhouse effect:The atmosphere allows a large percentage of the rays of visible light fromtheSunto reachtheEarth’S surfaceandheatit.ApartofthisenergyiS reradiatedby the Earth’S surface in the form of long.wave infrared radiation.much of which iS absorbed by molecules of carbon dioxide and water vanour in the atmosphere and which iS reflected back to the surface as heat.This is roughly analogous to the effect produced by the glass panes of a greenhouse,which transmit sunlight in the visible range but hold in heat.  ThetrappingofthisinfraredradiationcausestheEarthS surfaceandloweratmospheric layers to WalTll to a higher temperature than would otherwise be the case.Without this greenhouse heating,the Earth’S average temperature would be only about-73C (-100F); even the oceans would be frozen under such conditions.Alternatively.a“runaway” greenhouse effect like that found on the planet Venus would result in surface temperatures as high as 500C(932F).


  《综合英语教程教师参考书4》特色:  权威性:本套教材系教育部师范司组编的英语专业规划教材。编者与审者均为国内知名专家、教授及多年从事师范英语教学的优秀教师。  针对性:本套教材汲取了国内外最新外语教学研究成果,理论与实践并重,针对中学进修教师实际需要精心编写。  实用性:本套教材在选材与练习设计上以培养学习者综合语言应用能力为宗旨,注重提高其业务能力。



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