
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:编写组  页数:266  


  《新编实用英语——学学·练练·考考》(New Practical English-Workbook)是《新编实用英语——综合教程》的同步自学练习用书。本书紧扣《新编实用英语——综合教程》各单元的教学内容与体例,力求巩固和扩大教材所设计的听、说、读、译、写等语言技能的训练和词汇、语法等语言知识与用法的学习和提高。  《学学·练练·考考))的编排模式与《新编实用英语——综合教程》基本相同,二者互相配合照应,因此它是配合教科书供学生自主学习的好伴侣。为了充分体现便于自学的特点,《学学·练练·考考》有以下几个突出的特点:  1.阅读文章的生词都旁注在课文的右侧,十分便于学生独立阅读;  2.每课都加编了相应的Data Bank,为主教材中的相关表达练习提供辅助资料,这对提高学生的独立运用能力十分有益;  3.在一般写作部分,各册加编了相关语法和写作知识的归纳小结,不仅为学生提供了其训练中所需要的语言材料,而且帮助学生系统地归纳整理所学语言知识,从而能更有效地在实践中使用; 4.每册加编了2套自测模拟考题,第l册模拟英语应用能力B级考试;第2册的第一套模拟B级考试,第二套模拟A级考试;第3册模拟A级考试;第4册模拟大学本科英语4级考试。这既便于学生自我检测,又便于衡量自己达到《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》的程度。  综上所述,《学学·练练·考考》是学好《新编实用英语——综合教程》的重要辅学必备材料,它可以帮助学生复习所学内容,扩大练习园地,开阔知识视野,提高学习兴趣。将主教材和自主训练材料很好地配合使用,一定会取得事半功倍的效果。  《新编实用英语——学学·练练·考考》第4册由广东公安高等专科学校向前进、王雨梅任主编,徐伟成(广东公安高等专科学校)、周迎芳(华中师范大学)任副主编,张树德(广西工学院)、吴定芳、李辉睦(佛山科学技术学院)、刘国生、曹佩升(广东公安高等专科学校)、向波阳、李桂芳(湖北师范学院)等参加了编写,美国普渡大学Margie Bems审阅了全书。


  《新编实用英语学学练练考考4》紧扣《新编实用英语——综合教程4》各单元的教学内容与体例,进一步巩固和扩大教材所设计的听、说、读、译、写等语言技能训练和词汇、语法等语言知识与用法的学习,是配合主教材供学生自主学习的好伴侣。全书共10个单元,编排模式与主教材基本相同,每个单元都由“说”、“听”、“读”和“写”4部分组成,另有一个“小幽默”。书后有练习答案和译文以及生词表。《新编实用英语学学练练考考(4)》配有录音带。《新编实用英语》系列教材是由教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》组织编写的。本套教材认真贯彻了“学一点、会一点、用一点”,“听、说、读、写、译并重”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则。注重听说技能训练,注重对实用文体阅读能力的培养,将应用语言基本功的能力与实际涉外交际相结合。  《新编实用英语——学学·练练·考考4》是《新编实用英语——综合教程4》的同步自学练习用书。


1 ENGLISH STUDIES AND TESTESSection I Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A A Nude at the Party!Passage B Whose English Is It, Anyway?Section 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun2 ART OF NEGOTIATIONSSection I Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Suggested Salary Negotiation Guidelines forRecent Coflege GraduatesPassage B Dollars and SenseSection 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun3 DNA AND CLONINGSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Genetically Engineered Foods: Uh-Oh!Passage B To Clone or Not to Clone ?Section 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun4 THE IT AGESection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A 101 Pixels of FunPassage B Ban Cell PhonesSection 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun5 INTERNET AND LIFESection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A The Internet Changed My LifePassage BHow Being OnlineHas Changed My LifeSection 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun6 STUDYING OVERSEASSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Are You Prepared for Learning Shock?Passage B Climate & Clothing in the U.K.Section 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun7 ART IN ENGINEERINGSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Attacks on the World Trade Centre:an Engineering PerspectivePassage B Ellen Ochoa and Jennifer Matozco: Two Great Female EngineenSection 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun8 ENVIRONMENTSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Poisoning Our Food and Our FarmersPassage BHow Our Food Choices CanHelp Save the EnvironmentSection 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun9 CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENTSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Attacking AnxietyPassage BHow to Spell SuccessSection 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some Fun10 COPYRIGHT AND FAKE COMMODITY ISSUESSection 1 Talking Face to FaceSection 2 Being All EarsSection 3 Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage A Copyright Guide for Museums and Other Cultural OrganizationsPassage B Music Group Files 261 Copyright Lawsuits against Intemet UserSection 4 Trying YourHandHaving Some FunSELF-ASSESSMENTKEYS & TRANSLATIONSVOCABULARY & PHRASES


  spoken as English is today. A quarter of the world s popu- lation now uses the language. The British Council estimates that more than 1 billion people are learning it. It is the prin- cipal language of an increasing number of professions and activities. The worlds 375 million native speakers, from Canada to New Zealand, enjoy their good fortune in speak- ing the language everyone wants to learn. But experts such as Crystal warn that English is changing —— and native En- glish speakers might not find the results comfortable.  Variations to Standard English grammar, of the sort Crystal observed in Egypt, are apparent in many coun- tries. The British Empire planted groups of English speakers from Vancouver to Cape Town to Auckland. As the empire declined, English showed signs of fading with it. By World War I, German had replaced English as the dominant language of science. But the rise of the US after World War II, and the power of its corporations and tech- nologies since, rescued English and propelled it to greater dominance.  David Graddol is a lecturer at British Open University and author of the widely- cited 1997 British Council publication The Future of English. He believes that if im- portant technologies emerged from outside the US —— from China, for example —— English might start to lose its importance. But he and Crystal agree this will not hap- pen for a long time. So, where does the threat to native English speakers come from? It comes, ironically, from the huge number of people learning English. They are taking control of the language in ways the older English-speaking world has barely begun to understand.



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